You Just Do

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(natasha's pov)
I feel so dumb. He just professed his love for me and all I knew I could say was I just couldn't. I feel so stupid not noticing that he wanted that. We already had the stolen glances, and the small moments. The last one, we didn't. Apparently we did last night, but neither of us could even remember a minute after 10. All I could do was give him a hug. I couldn't kiss him because right now, that'd make it all so confusing. So I just hugged him. After I closed the door behind me I covered my mouth and ran trying to cover my sobs until I got to my apartment. I then sat on my bed and sobbed into a pillow. Is this what love is? Burning cheeks, pounding heart, and pain? I then hear a knock at my door. I don't get up. This time however they knock louder. They're not going away, so I get up and answer wiping away my tears. It's...Tony?
(Tony's pov)
I was waking down the hall when I saw Nat running around the corner crying. Nat? Crying? They don't go in the same sentence, so I followed her up to her room. I could hear small sobs from inside, so I knocked. No answer. I had to make sure she was ok. So I knocked even louder. This time I heard footsteps. It took a minute, but she finally answered. Her eyes were raw and watery.
"Nat? What's wrong." I asked very concerned.
"Nothing." she said coldly.
"Are you sure because it doesn't look like it." she just stood there quietly I could tell she was trying not to cry.
I didn't know what to do next so I just walked in uninvited closed the door behind me and pulled her into a hug. She let it all go.
Natasha doesn't cry. What the hell happened?
We should there for what felt like an hour, but I didn't mind something was wrong.
I then pulled her away from me and all she said was, "Damnit."
"Damnit? Damnit what?" I said confused.
"I love him." she whispered.
"What? Love who? You love someone?" I asked almost excited for her.
"Him." she replied apparently not wanting to say his name.
But I understood. Her mission partner. Her best friend, the only one she actually trusted.
"Him?" I replied in confirmation.
She just shook her head.
"Wow. But wait; why are we crying?" I asked confused.
She sniffles then brushed her hands over her face, "You should probably come in for that one." she responded.
(natasha's pov)
"You should probably come in for that one." I told him.
I then continued to tell him what happened at the party, well what I could remember. I told him how I woke up alone, but he left his shoes and I knew whose they were because I had taught him to dance in them just days before. But neither of us remembered, and that he basically professed his love for me, but I couldn't say anything, so I hugged him and left.
"Oh." is all he said.
"Yeah, oh." I said in a whisper.
"Didn't you once say love was for children?"
"You don't think I know that? What changed? I don't feel like this? I'm not supposed to."
"Nat if I've learned anything from life it doesn't matter what you're supposed to do. The only thing that matters is what you want to do."
"But I don't know what I want to do." I replied in a sad voice.
"Then the only advice I can give you is to figure it out." he said standing up to walk out.
"Wait, Tony."
"How will I know?"
"You just do." he said smiling then closing the door.

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