Maroon Dress

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(steve's pov)
I woke up with something sticky on my forehead. I grabbed it and it was a note from Nat saying thanks again and she didn't want to wake me, so she slipped out.
I got off the couch realizing tonight was Tony's party, and whenever Tony has a party you know there will be drunk people everywhere, including Natasha. I laughed thinking about it. And Thor wants me to try his "beer" see if it can get me drunk. We bet on it, so I have to now.
I decided to dress up in a white button down and maroon pants. Nothing too fancy.
I arrived at the party full of people trying to find Thor, but instead spotted Nat in a maroon dress matching my pants. I laughed to myself.
"Hey, thanks for the note this morning." I said waking up behind her.
"Hey, yeah no problem." she seemed a little down.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Never better." she responded, "I gotta go to the bathroom, okay?"
"Uh yeah, sure." I said a little confused, but didn't think anything of it.
"Cap!" I heard Thor yell from behind me. Oh no.
"I'm coming." I said trying around, "what are the chances this is actually gonna get me drunk?" I asked walking over.
"I have no idea." he responded.
"Really? What if it gets me completely wasted?" I asked concerned.
"Then I win the bet." Thor responded.
"Wow. Okay you know what just give it to me." I said taking a swig of it.
It was powerful, and I started to feel the affects. But I tried to shake it off. It didn't work 2 hours later I was wasted. At this point everyone was, even Nat. I hung out with her the rest of the party, I think?
the next morning
I woke up with a pounding headache to the sunlight.
"Damnit." I mumbled to myself.
But then I realized something.
There was someone next to me. Oh my God.
The realizations then came pouring in, nothing from last night only what my room could tell, but I realized I was fully naked my clothes and whoever was in bed next to me clothes; everywhere. I couldn't bear to look who it was. But then I saw it.
The maroon dress.
My heart almost came out of my chest. My headache. Gone.
I hesitantly looked over and there she was. Natasha. Naked. In bed with me. What the hell happened last night?
How did we get here?
I realized it wasn't my room and quickly put my pants on and left. I had to find Thor.
I ran through the compound looking for him when I finally found him in the kitchen.
"Thor!" I yelled at him.
"Woah, woah Steve? Where's your shirt, and your shoes?" I looked down. Shit.
"That doesn't matter, what the hell happened last night?"
"You mean when you got drunk and didn't pay me?"
"No what happened, all of it, I can't remember any of it. Specifically what happened with Nat?"
"Oh, I wish you remembered you dared her to drink what I gave you and she was already drunk so she agreed and she got wasted man."
"I did that?"
"Yeah. It does some weird stuff to people." he said laughing.
"It's not funny." I said walking out of the kitchen to find clothes.
(natasha's pov)
I woke up to the beaming sun with the worst headache I think I've ever had.
But then I realized I was naked and my clothes were everywhere, but no one was to be found next to me.
Some of his clothes were left, but they didn't tell me who wore them, so I assumed it was a nobody, some guy Tony was friends with, but as I grabbed my robe to get up I tripped on his shoes, and I knew. He wore them the night I taught him to dance.
Oh god.
What did we do?
I grabbed my clothes and ran to Pepper's.
I think I was out her door within 2 minutes.
"Pepper I need to talk, it's bad."
"What, what happened?"
"The party happened, Thor happened, whatever the hell I drank happened. You know, what didn't happen?"
"Nat you're gonna have to slow down and you know, breath."
"I woke up this morning naked."
"I think I slept with Steve."
"Oh my god Nat."
"This is so bad. So, so bad. How did I let this happen? How can I not remember! I don't understand Pepper? What did I do? I didn't want this to happen. I wanted whenever, and if this ever happened to be special and I don't even freaking remember it?" I said almost sobbing.
(peppers pov)
At this point Nat was basically sobbing on the floor so I bent down and just hugged her and told her what I always said to Morgan when something bad happened, but this time I didn't know if it would be true.
"It's ok. Everything is going to be ok."
"How do you know?." she questioned sniffling.
I didn't know.
"I just do."

plot twist?
I think yes :)
this is my midterms stress reliever, so idk how much I'll write when I'm done with them! BUT you should check out my ig editing account under this same user @callvre :)

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