The First Kill

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Lucy Cole threw the last bag of money in the trunk before jumping in the car. "Let's go!" She shouted.

Her brother, Landon, stomped the gas and they were out of there in five minutes flat. "Good job!" He complemented swerving around the streets of Chicago. "No alarms. That's great for the first time!"

Horns honked at the reckless driver who was trying to stay away from the Chicago P.D. Landon swung the car around one last time before pulling into the Cole family's hidden garage. The siblings got out of the car and took the money in the gigantic skyscraper to their father.

They live in a skyscraper to make it seem like they are simple businessmen. All of Antonio Cole's agents and spy work as undercover accountants. His five children, consisting of only one girl work undercover as normal everyday people.

The oldest, Lucas, is a mechanic at the local shop. He works on about twelve cars a day, fifteen on a good day, and he makes about $17,000 a year. Of course being in the mob forces him to give 40% of it to his father, but once he decides to step down, Lucas gets all his earnings and the mob.

The twins, Lake and Landon, work together doing yardwork. Of course, there isn't much yard to work in in the city, but they got on the outskirts for it. They make about $10,000 a year and they split it after giving 40% to their father.

The youngest son, Luis, goes to a cooking school in the city. He isn't really big on the whole mob idea, but the most important thing to him is family, so he tries to tolerate things. He has a side job at a cafe to keep up money for school, but of course 40% goes to Antonio.

Lastly, there is Lucy. Lucy isn't like her brothers. Being the only girl in a house full of men, she came up with good instincts and fighting skills. She's been practicing with a family friend, Hiram, since she was five. Lucy doesn't work because she's obviously a daddy's girl and because she's still a senior in high school.

Lucy loves the mob like a wife loves her husband.  She's basically married to the mob and she wishes it could be hers, but since she's the youngest, she was passed up for it.

"Lucy! Landon!" Antonio greeted his kids. "How'd she do, Landon?"

"Perfect." Landon handed over the money. "Not one alarm set off and barely any traffic on the way home."

"Good job, chickadee!" Antonio hive five his not-so-secretly favorite child and hugged her.

"Damn good for my first time." Lucy elbowed her father.

"Damn good." Antonio grinned, taking a sip from his coffee.

"Quit encouraging the kids to swear." Lucy's mother, Katherine swiftly walked into the kitchen and hugged her daughter. "Good job, sweetie. Hiram's here to work on some new stuff. He's in the training room."

"Alright." Lucy skipped to the elevator and went to the 5th floor.

She trekked down the halls until she got to the last door. It had a code, so she punched in Antonio's usual and got in. Hiram was in the corner wrapping his hands. He looked up at the opening of the door.

"Hey, Luce." Hiram smiled sweetly. He had to admit, he had the slightest crush on Lucy, but everyone who meets her eventually starts crushing on her. She's ranted about boys getting on her nerves all the time and she puts out the anger on the punching bags. He doesn't think she'll ever find love and if she does he knows it won't be him.

"Hey, Hi." She smiled back and giggled from the nickname.

"Very funny." He chuckled.

"So, what are we doing this time?" Lucy asked, grabbing the tape and wrapping her own hands.

"We're gonna-"

Hiram was interrupted by the alarm sounding. On instinct, he picked Lucy up and threw her over his shoulder before running down the stairs to the second floor where they held all of their weapons.

"Hiram, you can put me down!" Lucy shouted over the blaring alarm.

"Right, sorry." He bent over and put Lucy on her feet.

They went into the weaponry and Hiram grabbed a revolver and passed it to Lucy. She caught it and put it to the side.

"I'm using this." She grabbed a machine gun and Hiram took it away from her.

"The small guns work better." He gave her the revolver again and she pouted. "Here, you can take the better one."

They traded guns and the alarm was mixed with gunshots. "We better get down there!" Hiram grabbed Lucy's wrist and pulled her to the lobby.

"Watch my back!" Hiram shouted in all the commotion. Lucy walked backwards against Hiram.

Antonio was just having a normal talk with a man when he pulled his gun out on him. His men were instantly there and Antonio's men got caught in a fire fight. Antonio thought he knew where his daughter was, but when he went to the weaponry, she wasn't there.

This caused Antonio to panick. He wasn't gonna let it show because it's a sign of weakness and when he got down to the lobby to join the firefight, he saw his daughter with his best friend's son. She was shooting at anything and everything.

Lucy reloaded and grumbled in frustration. She'd been grazed in the arm and it burned like fire. Still, she continued to fight. Her gun went through bullets faster than Lucas went through women.

Thomas Walker was an intern of Doug Oleff's. He was sent to kidnap Lucy to make Antonio vulnerable, but he couldn't find her. He went exactly where he was supposed to go, but she wasn't there.

Lucy saw him run off of the elevator and she aimed the gun at him and shot. It was like everything went in slow motion for Lucy. The bullet left the gun like a rebellious kid jumping out of a window. It flew and slammed right into Thomas's temple.

"Holy hell!" Lake appeared beside Lucy.

"You wish hell was holy." She smirked.

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