Hospital Hideout

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Wyatt kept his hand on Lucy's back while he walked her out of his house. The plan was to get her out of the house and have Doug's men attack her on her way home. Doug knew he'd lose some men because he knew Lucy was armed. He also knew she had backup, so he stayed cautious.

"I can go the rest of the way, thanks." Lucy stuck her hands in her back pockets.

"Are you sure?" Wyatt asked. "It's pretty dark out here."

"I'll probably catch the 8:00 bus." Lucy shrugged.

"Well, alright, I'll see you Monday, yeah?" Wyatt asked.

"See you Monday." Lucy waved a little and started on her way home.

"Oh, you'll be seeing me way before Monday." Wyatt muttered, closing the door.

Lucy got a little spooked when she heard rustling in the bushes, so she sped up. She walked so fast, she almost didn't see a pole in front of her. She chuckled and walked around it before the rustling got closer to her.

She started walking even faster, but the rustling kept coming closer. She was almost home, so she kept her hand on her gun.

"Lucy." Someone wispered.

Lucy walked faster. "Lucy." Another person wispered.

"Don't get scared!" Lucy jumped when her brother grabbed her shoulders. She pulled out her gun and held it up.

"Jeez, Landon." She pushed her hair out of her face. "I almost shot you."

"Lucy, watch out!" Hiram jumped out from behind the bush, but he was too late.

One of Doug's men was behind Lucy and he shot her right in the shoulder. Lucy fell to the ground and skinned her elbows and knees. She screamed and held onto her shoulder and Hiram ran towards her after Landon shot the man in the chest.

"I'm okay." Lucy winced.

"You just got shot and you busted your chin!" Hiram shouted. "You're not okay!"

"It's just my shoulder." Lucy argued. "I can walk it off."

"Dude, you were supposed to kidnap her!" A man said, running up next to his dying partner.

"I was aiming at the boy." He mumbled.

"Well, you obviously missed." The new guy paced around. "Doug's gonna kill us."

"No I am." Lucy grabbed her gun and shot him right between his eyes.

"We need to get you to the hospital." Hiram picked Lucy up bridal style and walked her the rest of the way to house. He put her in one of Antonio's expensive cars and Landon went with them to the hospital.

They checked Lucy in to the hospital and hooked her up to IV's to keep fluids running through her. She had to wait for surgery to get the bullet wound out and they were only letting family in.

Back at Doug Oleff's place, Doug was barking orders to his men. "How many times have I told you, we need her in perfect condition!? When did I tell you to even shoot her a little!? Why can you not get it through your thick skulls that I don't want her dead, I want Antonio dead!?"

"What actually happened?" Wyatt asked.

"Jones shot her!" Doug fumed. "Then her brother shot Jones and King!"

"So, she's in the hospital?" Wyatt shrugged. "I can get closer to her and maybe she'll start to get a crush on me and then I can bring her here and we'll just keep her here instead of letting her leave."

"My son, you are a genius!" Doug snapped his fingers. "Get to the hospital! Go! Go!"

Wyatt jumped up and grabbed his coat before driving to the hospital. He went to the front desk and asked for Lucy.

"Can I see Lucy Holt?" Wyatt tapped his ID against the counter.

"She's only taking family." The desk lady said flatly. "You'll have to come back after she gets the surgery."

"Surgery?" Wyatt got caught off guard. "Why does she have to have surgery?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you." She answered.

"Can I at least know what room she's in?" Wyatt asked.

"233." The lady narrowed her eyes. "Bye."

She closed the window and Wyatt came up with a plan. He get in his dad's helicopter, then he would use a grapple to get to her window. After that, he'd knock until someone answered and he'd get in.

After picking up the helicopter, Wyatt flew to the hospital. He had taken so many flight lessons it was like driving a car for him. He landed on top of the building and he grabbed the grapple and went to the edge.

He jumped off of the building and shot the grapple at the roof. It hooked on the inside and Wyatt landed on the wall with a thud. He climbed down to the 2nd floor and found the 33rd window. He tapped on the window and the curtain was jerked open.

"What the heck?" Landon looked at Wyatt and back at Lucy. "Isn't that the Wyatt guy?"

"Yes it is." Lucy looked out the window with a confused expression. "Open the window."

Landon pulled the window open and Wyatt climbed through. He released his grapple and set it on the air conditioning unit under the window.

"Hey, Lucy, I heard about what happened, so I figured I'd visit, but they wouldn't let me in, so I snuck up here." Wyatt explained.

"Come here." Lucy held out her arms and Wyatt gave her an awkward hug.

"You're burning up." Wyatt put his hand on Lucy's forehead and then put his hands on his hips.

"Well, I did get shot." Lucy chuckled.

Lucy's laugh trailed off and she looked away from Wyatt. She was suddenly aware to the cold air and she shivered a little. Wyatt noticed and pulled his coat off.

"Here, take my coat." He said holding it out. "It's got wool in it, so it'll be warmer than these hospital sheets."

"Thank you." Lucy smiled, but she shook her head. "But I don't need it."

"Positive?" Wyatt asked.

"Yeah." Lucy sighed.

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