Dinner and Drawings

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A week after the attack at the coffee shop, Lucy got to take her cast off. The wound healed up, leaving a scar that the doctor said should get smaller the older she got. She went straight to school afterwards and she had P.E.

Wyatt was in the corner drawing. "Hey." Lucy grabbed his book and looked through it.

"Hey, don't go through that!" Wyatt hissed, tearing it out of her grip. "It's secret."

"Soorry." Lucy held her hands up in defense. "Do you wanna play one on one volleyball?"

"No, I think I'll just stay here and finish drawing." Wyatt sat back down and continued shading in his drawing of a blue jay.

"Oh, a blue jay?" Lucy sat next to him. They obliviously put their knees against each other's. "I studied birds my sophomore year. It turns out they're actually kind of interesting."

"No way, I took classes about birds too." Wyatt turned his self towards Lucy. "I'm in love with nature."

"No way, me too!" Lucy put her hands in her lap.

"Holt!" The P.E. coach, Coach Lowell shouted. "Ten laps for missing half the class!"

"I have to go." Lucy chuckled.

"See you." Wyatt found himself genuinely smiling.

Lucy ran her laps and found someone to play volleyball with her. Wyatt watched her contently while looking up from his fresh drawing. He didn't understand this feeling in his stomach like a bunch of little birds flying around.

After P.E. Lucy went to her locker and looked around for Wyatt. She waited until the second bell rang, but he never showed up. After being late to Math, she looked for Wyatt, but he wasn't in there either.

After math, Lucy found Wyatt at his locker. He turned around and his eyes grew wide. Well, one eye. Lucy's jaw dropped at the sight of the black eye he had.

"Wyatt Jess Oleff, what the fuck happened!?" She ran up to him and checked out his eye. "I've been looking for you for two fucking hours and when I find you, your eye is black!?"

"Listen, I can explain-"

"No, I don't wanna hear it!" Lucy raised her voice. "I was fucking worried that something like last Tuesday happened! You scared the fuck out of me!"

"Lucy, I'm-"

"Don't apologize right now, you need to learn-" Wyatt grabbed Lucy's wrists.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down." He hushed. "Just let me tell you what happened."

"I don't wanna know." Lucy jerked her hands out of Wyatt's grasp. "I'm done. I'm going home."

Lucy pushed past Wyatt and ran out the doors. One of Antonio's men was waiting to pick her up and he brought her home. She stormed to Antonio's office and threw her bag in there before she got in.

"Woah!" Antonio chuckled. "Didn't talk to your lover boy before coming? You're quite early."

"He is not my lover boy!" Lucy threw herself on the couch in the corner.

Katherine had seen her daughter come in all mad. She followed her to Antonio's office and went in a little after Lucy did.

"Hey, Luce, can you explain why I got a phone call from Mr. Jones?" She crossed her arms.

"I don't know." Lucy shrugged, looking up from her phone. "Probably because I went off on Wyatt."

"Mr. Jones said you were repeatedly shouting the 'f word' at someone." Katherine said.

"Yea, that's what I did." Lucy said. She then sat up to explain everything to her parents. While she was explaining, Wyatt was at his dad's office.

"Tell me, boy, what did you do to get a black eye?" Doug asked with a cigar hanging out of his mouth.

"I went to the bathroom and I got jumped by a couple of Cole's men." Wyatt explained. "But then afterwards, I was trying to avoid Lucy and she saw it and screamed at me for it."

"We're gonna have to do something to get that girl." Doug insisted. "She just very dangerous and she obviously doesn't leave the house without a gun. Do you know how many men I've lost just because of her?"

"How many, dad?" Wyatt internally rolled his eyes.

"40!" He barked. "Three of them were killed by her! This means we need desperate measures. Get her to come over. There's nothing better than her coming in willingly."

"You got it." Wyatt nodded.


Wyatt pushed the big glass doors to Antonio's building open and walked in. He went to the reception desk and asked to see Lucy.

"She's in her room, sir." Rosie, the receptionist,  answered. "I'm sure she'd love to see you. 6th floor."

"Thank you." Wyatt smiled. He went up to Lucy's bedroom and knocked on the door. It was obvious that it was her room because the door was blue with pictures of different types of birds. Plus, above the door in big red letters said, "Lucy."

Wyatt stood there for a bit until Lucy opened the door. She wasn't expecting him to show up at the building.

"Hey." She akwardly stood in the doorway. "What do you want?"

"My family is having dinner and I was wondering if you wanted to tag along." Wyatt shrugged.

"Uh, alright, just let me grab my coat." Lucy narrowed her eyes. This was the perfect moment to confront Doug about his debts, so she was obviously gonna take it. She shut the door and texted Hiram, telling him she'd need backup just in case. After she grabbed her coat and put her shoes on, she pulled her emergency gun out of her drawer and stuffed it in her pocket. With a deep breath she pulled the door open again. "Okay, I'm ready."

Wyatt held his arm out. "Shall we?" He smiled sweetly.

Lucy grinned and wrapped her arm around his. "We shall." She giggled.

Arriving at Wyatt's place, Lucy put on her best act. She smiled the whole time. She thanked everyone. She acted like it was her own family.

After dinner, Wyatt asked if Lucy wanted to play games with his family. They started with Twister, then Monopoly, so Lucy thought it would be a good idea to bring up the money without making Wyatt suspicious.

"So, Mr. Oleff, if I let my best friend borrow $20, then he would owe me $20, what would I do if he didn't pay that $20?" Lucy looked at Doug with a smirk.

"I would say that you would just have to deal with it because the best friend won't be returning the $20." Doug challenged. "But maybe the best friend wants something from you, maybe like your child to use as a trap to get more money."

"Well, I would always make my child leave the house with a gun and backup." Lucy said.

"I'm pretty sure the best friend has plenty of backup himself." Doug countered.

"I wouldn't say so." Lucy stood up. She figured it'd be better to be cautious now, since she knew he was planning to kidnap her. "I better get going. Thank you all for dinner. Thank you, Wyatt, for inviting me, but I better get going."

"I'll walk you." Wyatt stood up and nodded at Doug.

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