The Dangers of Ice Skating

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After the fight against Doug Oleff's people, Antonio called a mandatory meeting in the basement. It was attented by every one of his men and his children. Lucy came in while Antonio was calling the meeting to order.

She had a cast around her arm with her brothers' signatures on it and a sling holding it up. "Sorry, daddy, I was struggling with my cast." She lied.

The truth is, Lucy didn't care about some meeting that she'll have to sit in and be jealous of everything the others get to do. Every time they had a meeting, she got put out of the room at one point, so she didn't want to come in the first place.

"It's alright, take a seat." Antonio motioned beside Hiram. She sat next to him and the did their signature handshake before actually paying attention. "Alright, since we need to get Oleff vulnerable enough to completely stop him. I've did my research and it turns out he has a son."

Antonio pulled up a picture of a boy who looked around 20 years old. "This is Wyatt Oleff. He's 18 and he goes to Chicago High. I'm sending a certain person to befriend him, so we can get some insight on Oleff's mob."

"Who's gonna do it?" Antonio's most trusted spy, Frank, spoke up.

"I was gonna have Lake, but the boy is a straight male. He'll befriend a girl quicker than he would a guy." Antonio pointed out. "Lucy. Are you ready for your first mission?"

"What?" Lucy jumped up. "No way, really!?"

"You're the only girl among us." He smiled.

"When do I start?" She squealed.

"I'm transferring you to Chicago High tomorrow."


Lucy woke up the next morning way before she needed to. After waiting around for almost an hour, Antonio had on of his men drive her to school.

"Hey, do you know how to get around this place?" Lucy asked the man, whose name she didn't bother to figure out.

"I think the Oleff kid is being forced to show you around." He shortly answered.

"Alright, thanks." Lucy smiled before climbing out of the car and going through the big glass doors.

Lucy asked for directions to the office and she found it. The principal, Mr. Jones, was sitting in his seat with his feet kicked up on the desk.

"Hello, who are you and what do you want?" He pulled his airpods out and layed them next to his seat.

"Uh, I'm Lucy Holt." Lucy said.

"Right, you just moved here with a request to have Mr. Wyatt Oleff show you around." He sighed and took his feet off the desk to look for Lucy's schedule. "Here, you have the same schedule as Mr. Oleff, so you can get the swing of things."

"Thank you." Lucy smiled.

Mr. Jones called Wyatt to the office and after about five minutes the door opened. A really tall boy with dirty blond, curly hair came in with a look of curiosity. Lucy's jaw dropped without her noticing and Wyatt smiled akwardly.

"Hi, I'm Wyatt." He smiled.

Lucy just nodded and closed her mouth. "Shiiit?" She mumbled to herself.

"Pardon?" Wyatt asked attentively.

"Um, nothing." Lucy bit her lip and swung her bag on her shoulder and pushed past the boy giving her weird feelings in her stomach.

They walked down the hallway in a very uncomfortable silence before Wyatt decided to say something. "Soooo." He akwardly clapped his hands together. "Where did you move from?"

"I was home schooled." Lucy quietly answered.

"Cool." Wyatt nodded akwardly.

"Yup." Lucy fiddled with her backpack straps.

"So, what do your parents do for a living?" Wyatt asked.

"They're accountants." Lucy mumbled.

"That's. Fun." Wyatt smiled, trying to break the ice. "Well, here's our first class."

"Oh, right." Lucy laughed nervously.


After school, Lucy went straight to her dad's office. "You didn't tell me the enemies son was so fucking hot!" She hissed and threw her bag down.

"I showed you a picture of him." Antonio chuckled.

"I didn't see his face that good!" She grinned.

"Don't get any ideas." Antonio went stern. "This is all business. Plus, I'm sure that Hiram guy likes you."

"Oh, I knew that." Lucy waved her dad off. "Can I go to the ice rink?"

"In May?"

"Yes, that's when no one goes, so I'll be alone." Lucy shrugged.

"Alright, but bring a gun." Antonio warned.

"You got it." Lucy grinned before making finger guns and leaving.

Antonio chuckled and looked across the room at Lucy's backpack. There was a piece of paper sticking out with his name on it. He slowly got up and pulled it out of her backpack.

We've got her now.

"Shit." Antonio muttered. His men were in his office I'm five minutes. "What took you so long?"

"We came as fast as we could, sir." Richard, one of his new men answered.

"Get to the ice rink." Antonio ordered. "Don't let Lucy see you and make sure she's safe."

Antonio paused. "Boys, this means war."

Lucy grabbed her skates and made it to the rink. It wasn't busy at all, just your few hardcore skaters going around. Lucy skated around a bit before a man came onto the ice without skates.

Lucy's anxiety started shooting up. She tried to go around him, but he was coming straight towards her. She had no choice but to pull out the gun.

The people started screaming and trying to get off the rink as fast as they could. "I have a gun!" Lucy shouted at the mysterious man. "Just go home and no one has to die!"

The man didn't go home. He started charging at Lucy, so she pulled the trigger. He gasped as the bullet hit him right in the shoulder. Lucy grinned to herself and shot him again. This one went to his neck. He made a few choking noises before falling face first.

"Woah, who are you?" Someone asked, standing up.

"Anyone who recorded that and let's it out dies." Lucy said with a sudden surge of confidence. "Don't bother to test me."

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