A Coffee Criminal

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Lucy finished packing her lunch and went out to the car. Her father congratulated her for what she could do without his men. When she got to school, she went to her first class, English, she sat next to Wyatt.

"Hey." Wyatt smiled sweetly and moved his stuff off of her side of the table. "I see you found your way here."

"Yea." Lucy returned his smile with a shy smile. "I have a photographic memory."

They shared an akward laugh and Lucy sat down. After a boring English class, Lucy and Wyatt had drama class.

"I love acting." Wyatt turned to Lucy as they walked down the hallway side by side. "I've always wanted to be an actor, but my dad said I have better things to do when I'm older. I don't know exactly how older, but when I'm older."

"That's actually very interesting." Lucy was taken aback by how passionate Wyatt was. She was kind of jealous of him because she didn't have a passion like that that she could talk about with people. "I don't really have anything I wanted to do."

"You're in your last month of senior year and you don't have future plans?" Wyatt stopped in his tracks.

"Well, I have plans." Lucy said quickly, then she muttered, "just not good ones."

"What was that?"

"Nothing." Lucy pulled the door to the theatre open and tried to make a joke to get his attention off of that subject. "Lady's first."

"Thank you." Wyatt smiled and walked in. He slowly turned around. "Wait."

"I'm messing with you." Lucy teased before coming in herself.


Lucy opened her locker to put up the last books of the day and a piece of paper fell out. She jumped back and put her books up before bending over and picking it up. She opened it slowly in fear of what might be on it.

Meet me by the flagpole when you get this.
-Wyatt :)

"Damn idiot." Lucy grinned before running outside.

Wyatt had it all planned out. He'd get Antonio Cole's daughter to fall in love with him just so he can take her to his dad and soon he'll be the greatest mobster in Chicago. He's been helping his dad carry out this plan since he was 14 by starting highschool at Chicago High, so it wouldn't be odd when Lucy started spying on him.

Doug Oleff's mob has been spying on Antonio since the day he became the leader. Doug and Antonio grew up together, but they had a falling out when Antonio got more powerful than Doug. When Doug had heard about the birth of Antonio's daughter he knew his son would be perfect for the day that he would be the most powerful mobster. He could feel it coming soon and even though he won't be the most powerful for long, his family would reign over Chicago.

Wyatt started to get annoyed at how long it was taking Lucy. She came out of the doors and Wyatt put on a fake smile.

"Hey." He waved.

"Hi." Lucy looked down to hide her blush. "What do you need?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the coffee shop with me." Wyatt said. "I need help with some English homework. I'm failing and I might not graduate if I don't get above a 60."

"You're failing English, yet you speak it?" Lucy joked.

"It's a hard road." Wyatt nudged her.

"Well, I have to stop by my dad's work, but afterwards I can meet you at maybe 4." Lucy shrugged.

"How about I go with you?" Wyatt was almost drooling at how his plan was playing out.

"Um, okay." Lucy nodded. "I guess we can walk. It's not far."


"Your dad works here?" Wyatt looked around.

"Yup." Lucy clapped her hands. "His office is on the 10th floor."

Wyatt pushed the button on the elevator and stepped in. They rode the elevator in silence and went straight to Antonio's office.

"Lucy!" Antonio greeted. "I see you brought a friend!"

"I'm Wyatt." Wyatt forced a smile and shook hands with Antonio.

"Well, dad, we were gonna go to the coffee shop if that's okay." Lucy left Wyatt with Antonio so she could get a gun.

When she came back, they went to the coffee shop and Wyatt insisted on paying. Lucy thanked him and they sat in a back corner. They talked for hours and Wyatt wouldn't lie, he was having fun.

"Oh, look." Wyatt gestured to the night sky out the window. "We've talked since daylight."

"Yea." Lucy chuckled.

"I have to go to the little boy's room." Wyatt said before getting up and rushing into the bathroom. He pressed a button on a hidden earpiece. "I've got her right where we wanted her. She's in the corner."

Lucy looked up from her conversation with Hiram and saw three tall men in black coming towards her. She quickly texted Hiram before pulling out her gun.

"Man, what is up with you people following me?" She teased. "I've figured after I killed that one guy you'd be scared of me."

The didn't say anything, so she continued. "Oh, so you're like a hydra from those Greek mythology books." She laughed. "Like, since I killed that guy three more came up."

The bell chimed and Lucy looked over the men's shoulders to see Hiram and Lucas with guns. They held their fingers over their lips and Lucy subtly nodded.

"I mean, that's cute." She giggled before pulling the trigger.

It was a risk, but she hit the man in the middle straight in the stomach. The other two men went to pull out their guns, but Hiram and Lucas were quicker, shooting them down before they could even grab the handle.

They fell forward and Wyatt came running out of the bathroom. "What the hell?" He muttered. "Oh, Lucy, you're okay!"

Lucy smirked and stuffed her gun back in her pocket. "I have my ways." She shrugged.

"My sister's a badass." Lucas chuckled in shock.

"Don't forget it."

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