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Wyatt ended up staying with Lucy at the hospital. He sat in the chair beside of her and Landon switched out with Antonio around midnight. Hiram, on the other hand, stood in the corner to hide his scared face. He really loved Lucy and he was terrified about her shot.

Lucy started having a nightmare in her sleep. She was tossing and turning, so Wyatt and Hiram sprung towards her. Antonio grabbed Lucy's hand and Wyatt backed away.

"Lucy." Hiram wispered, shaking her awake.

"Hiram!" She wailed. "Oh, it was so bad! It was so bad!"

Hiram didn't say anything and he grabbed Lucy and hugged her. "It's okay." He rubbed her back while she cried in his shoulder. "It's okay."

"Oh, Hiram, it was horrible." Lucy said, pulling away.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Wyatt came closer.

"Well, I dreamed that instead of me getting shot earlier, I dreamed it was Landon." Lucy sniffled. "And oh, it was so bad. If he wouldn't have missed, Landon would be dead."

"Hey, at least he did, right?" Wyatt said.

"Yeah, and I'm glad I took it." Lucy nodded and Wyatt wiped her tears away with his thumb and rested his hand on her cheek.

"You know, you're really beautiful." Wyatt said completely out of nowhere, surprising himself.

Antonio grinned to himself and Hiram rolled his eyes. "We need to change your IV, Ms. Holt." The nurse knocked on the door.

"Okay." Lucy answered.

Wyatt leaned up off of the bed and went into the corner with Hiram. Antonio stayed beside Lucy and held her hand while they put her IV in. She winced a little and then it was done.

"Go back to sleep now." Antonio pushed Lucy's hair back and kissed her on the forehead.


Wyatt tossed and turned and still couldn't get to sleep after four hours. He came home at around 1, but he still can't get to sleep. He decided it'd be a good idea just to go back to the hospital.

Wyatt made it to the hospital exactly the same way he had before and this time, Lucas opened the window. "Bro, why are you here at five in the morning?" Lucas asked.

"I couldn't sleep." Wyatt said, climbing through the window. "I figured it was because she was here and I wasn't."

"Can you stay here while I go to the basement?" Lucas asked.

"Of course." Wyatt took his coat off and sat in the seat next to Lucy and he pulled out his drawing book. "So, Lucy, I heard you're surgery is at ten. I was just wanting to wish you luck. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about you."

Wyatt looked up and Lucy and saw her shiver. He took his coat and covered her up with it. He stood over her and smiled at her.

A knock at the door startled Wyatt. "Sorry, I came to changed her fluid bag." A nurse said.

"Oh, right." Wyatt smiled before letting her change the fluids. "Do you know if she'll be okay?"

"I believe she'll be fine." The nurse crossed her arms. "It doesn't really seem to phase her."

"She's a fighter." Wyatt smiled softly at Lucy's sleeping face.

"You're not family." The nurse noticed.

"Can we keep a secret?" Wyatt panicked.

The nurse grinned. "Of course." She opened the door and stepped out. "Take good care of her, yeah?"

Wyatt nodded and the nurse closed the door. "I don't know why I feel like this." Wyatt mumbled, shaking his head. "I'm on a mission."

Wyatt sat in the chair and started to complete his drawing. In the middle of it, Lucas came back with Cheetos and Doritos.

"Want one?" He asked, holding them up.

"Thanks." Wyatt grabbed the Cheetos and sat on the floor.

"Why are you in the floor?" Lucas asked.

"I figured you wanted to sit."

"I don't sit down often." Lucas shook his head. "You go ahead."

"Really?" Wyatt stood up.

"Yeah, man." Lucas chuckled.


"Lucy, are you ready for surgery?" The doctor asked, coming in.

Lucy had been sipping on apple juice and laughing with Wyatt when the doctor came in. She found herself growing closer to him, but she knew it was just a mission and she'd possibly never see him again. Lucy nodded and got on a stretcher, so they could take her to the operation room.

"Break a leg!" Wyatt gave Lucy two thumbs up and she smiled and shook her head. When she was gone, Wyatt called Doug. "Hey, dad, she's going into surgery right now."

"Good. That's great." Doug said. "After she heals tell her we want to have dinner again."

"What's in it for me?" Wyatt suddenly got defensive.

"Excuse me?" Doug cleared his throat. "You're getting the mob in three years, what else do you want?"

"I think it's just a little far to kidnap Antonio's daughter." Wyatt shrugged.

"What if I gave you alcohol at the dinner?" Doug negotiated.

"That and?"

"When I get Antonio's money, I'll let you choose who you want to marry and make an arranged marriage." Doug said.

"I need more."

"What if I let you have 10% of what I get from Antonio?"

"I'm gonna get all of it when I get the mob." Wyatt said.

"Well, son, what do you want?" Doug grumbled.

"I want time." Wyatt said.

"Time?" Doug was just confused now.

"Time." Wyatt repeated. "With Lucy. I'm starting to really like her and I'm hoping she likes me too."

"You dumb boy!" Doug shouted. "She's a girl! She won't do anything but distract you from what's important: me!"

"Then it's a no." Wyatt crossed his arms and held his phone with his shoulder.

"Fine!" Doug barked. "You can have your time with her after we get the money!"

"Thank you dad." Wyatt smiled to himself. "Good day."

Wyatt hung up and put his head in his hands. He sighed heavily and contemplated on what to do.

Rewrite The Stars//Wyatt OleffWhere stories live. Discover now