Always Expect the Unexpected

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Lucy got in the building and Hiram came running with a towel. "Hey, hey, hey, you weren't supposed to be back for another hour, what happened?"  He held onto Lucy to keep her warm.

"It was nothing." Lucy wiped off her ever running mascara and stormed off to her room. "Of all people who could be screwed up just because of a stupid boy, it's me. Why is it me? There's other girls to be screwed with, but it's me?"

"Lucy?" Antonio pecked on the door. He saw Lucy stomping up the stairs and started to worry because she never used the stairs. "Can I come in?"

"Whatever." Lucy threw herself on the bed and covered up.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?" Antonio eased in.

"Well, you know how I was sent to find out stuff about that Wyatt guy?"

"Yes." Antonio nodded, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Well, he tried to tell me he loved me."

"Good! You did exactly what I needed you to do!" Antonio patted Lucy's leg. "Now, why are you feeling bad?"

"I might feel the same." Lucy mumbled.

"Oh, that's too bad." Antonio contemplated. "Well, I guess it's a good time to tell you this now..."

"Tell me what?"

"You're getting married on your 18th birthday." Antonio said.

"What!?" Lucy leaned up. "To who?"

"Hiram." Antonio said. "I've been planning this since you were born and I figured it'd be best to tell you now."

"Now?" Lucy asked. "I'm turning 18 in two weeks! How is that the time to tell me?"

"Oh yeah, you're finishing out this week at school and going to graduation." Antonio said before leaving.

"Thanks for the help." Lucy mumbled.


The next week at school was uneventful. Lucy spent the whole week avoiding Wyatt and crying in her room. She was dreading graduation because she had to give a speech about how much the school impacted her with the short time she's been there. At the end of the day, Thursday, Lucy went to pick up her cap and gown.

"Hey, Lucy, can we please talk?" Wyatt came up behind her.

"What's there to talk about?" Lucy shrugged. "It's never gonna happen."

"Why not?"

"It's just... complicated." Lucy shook her head and walked past Wyatt, leaving him alone.

When graduation rolled around, Lucy rode with Hiram. He knew about the marriage and he was excited. It's been his dream to marry Lucy.

"Are you finally ready to be out in the world?" Hiram grinned.

"No." Lucy mumbled.

"Come on, you gotta be a little excited." Hiram pressed.

"No." Lucy mumbled.

"Come on, Luce, talk to me." Hiram said. "We used to talk all the time, but these past two months, we've drifted apart."

"I'm sorry." Lucy wiped some tears that had fell. "It's just complicated."

"You're in love with him." Hiram clicked his tongue in realization. "And you're scared."

"I don't know what love is." Lucy shook her head.

"Well, I can tell you what it is." Hiram grabbed Lucy's hand and she looked up at him. "Love is when you would give up anything to be with one certain person. You would do things for them that you know they wouldn't do for you."

"Well, Hiram, I think I am in love." Lucy laughed nervously. "But what do I do? We're getting married next week!"

"We have to follow orders." Hiram shrugged. He didn't want Lucy in a marriage where it was one sided. He supported her being with Wyatt, but it just can't happen. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, let's just go." Lucy opened the car door and got out.

When Hiram and Lucy got their seats, the graduation began with Mr. Jones's speech.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming to the graduation for the class of 2019." He started. "It has been an amazing year for all of us with an undefeated basketball team and first place in the WizBowl. We'd like to recognize some of our best students this 2018-2019 year. Our first student is a young lady whose been here only two months and still became best of the class. Lucy Holt everybody."

Lucy stood up as everyone clapped. She looked around and smiled as she walked to the podium. She got up there and saw Wyatt in the front row with Doug and Jack. Jack gave her a thumbs up and she smiled, shaking her head.

"Hi, everyone, I've been stressing a lot lately on what to say today." Lucy looked around at all of the faces watching her. "I know I was supposed to tell you all about how I've learned so much in my two months at this school, but I'd like to tell you how I learned who I am since I came here."

Lucy kept her eyes on Wyatt, who wouldn't look up to meet her gaze. "I was homeschooled since Kindergarten. I had no idea what the world was like, what people were like. But the day I came to this school my life changed. It may sound silly, but I met someone."

Wyatt's head shot up. "I met someone who changed my life completely. He taught me everything I needed to know about being a human being with passions and hopes and dreams. I'd like to thank him for that."

Wyatt smiled softly and Lucy continued. "On an unrelated note, this school sucked and I was forced to do this." Lucy said before going off stage.

No one clapped because of the last sentence, so Wyatt stood up and started clapping. Naturally, Doug pulled him down and made him stop, but Lucy smiled to herself. She was ready and excited for the future.


After the very long graduation, Lucy decided to talk to Wyatt. "Hey, Wy, I was wondering how you were holding up?" She smiled and tucked her hands in her back pockets.

"I'm doing good." He smiled. "What about you?"

"I'm alright."

"So, you don't think we can be together?"

"No, definitely not now." Lucy shook her head.

"Alright, I won't ask." Wyatt smiled sweetly.

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