Chapter 1

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Time stops as I stopped it myself. No one moves, no one blinks nothing and everything is a still blue.

I look at Darcy as I can see her smile, before she was laughing when I froze time. Darcy's looking at Dustin while she's laughing. There mocking me. Like always. It's the first day of school and apparently they can't get enough of me.

I've had a great summer. I never even once got to see any of my classmates. I hung out with my family the whole time and we visited a lot of our other home planets and it was beautiful. More beautiful then this dump, but now I'm back. Back to the misery of humans bullying others. Back to this god forsaken school.
Back to hiding my gift.

I glare at Darcy and scream. Scream my fucking head off. First hour hasn't even started yet and I'm already sick of these two.
I let my powers take control of me and I scream even louder. It's not like anyone can here me.

Soon enough after screaming at Darcy she bursts right in front of me.

I put up a shield as the blood directs itself towards me. Then I direct my scream at Dustin. Making him burst just like Darcy, of course I direct the blood away from me as his insides splatter everywhere.

I heard the legends of banshees and sirens. I've even seen a siren once. Still there screams couldn't even compare to mine. I could tear this whole school down if I wanted to but I'll settle with Dustin and Darcy.

Sadly they can't stay dead because murdering is frowned upon on Earth so as much as I freeze time I rewind it back up. Instantly everything goes in reverse and right before my eyes Dustin and Darcy appear again. Like nothing even happened and everything's perfect. But I want to scream again. I want to fly to the sun and throw myself in. I don't want to spend another year of school not being myself.

But I have to. If people knew the kind of power I possess it would be chaos. And I've suffered enough.

As I resumed time I could hear everything. The noises of lockers banging together. The talking of teenagers as they walked by my classroom. Even the irritating sound of Darcy and Dustin's laugh as they insult me again. But I could care less. I don't want to be in a bad mood today. It's kind of really hard though as I move for my chair.

I sit in my chair just as I feel it slip beneath me. I know exactly what's about to happen so I freeze time again. Everything instantly stops in place. The people, desks even the Earth itself. I look to the front of the class to see Dustin focusing on my chair, Darcy sitting next to him. I look down to see that my chairs not in the right place and if I didn't freeze time, in a few seconds I would've fallen on my butt. Although it's not that horrible of a prank, I'm still not up for any pranking at all right now. It's only Monday and I'm not used to school yet.
I bring my chair to it's normal position again and sit on it. I resume time as I stare at Dustin. I feel my chair move again and I hold it in place. Dustin notices that it's not moving and looks at me. I stare back.

Just as the teacher walks in for the first hour of the day, the bell rings. Everyone sits down and focuses on the teacher.

Me and Dustin are having a staring contest. I cock my head to the side as I feel his conscious peer into mine. He has the ability of telekinesis and can read minds. It's rare to have two powers but who am I to say that? I have every power ever imaginable just on the tip of my fingers. But mostly there's only a few students with two abilities in this school. Having one gift is very common. Darcy can only teleport.
Dustin's peering into my mind so I let him know what I'm thinking.

Dustin. I'm thinking of a number one through ten. Can you guess it? I smile to myself. Nah, just kidding. I know that you know the number I'm thinking of.

My face grows serious again. I also know most people wouldn't be able to sense you in their minds but I do. Did you know it's impolite to read people's minds without permission? I pretend like I'm thinking. Hmmm, guess you didn't know that.

Class has started and the teacher told us to say our names and one thing about us. Obviously I was paying attention but Dustin over here was paying his attention to me so he didn't know that it was his turn to speak until Mr. Gage appeared in front of him. "Is it Dustin?"

Finally Dustin snaps back to the real world and answers his question in confusion. I look away as Dustin embarrasses himself, my gaze landing on Darcy. She's looking back at me. Probably wondering why I didn't fall out of my chair since they were scheming about it.
I roll my eyes and avert hers.

I have a feeling that this is gonna be a long day. Finally the class ends and I speed out of there as fast as possible. Making my way towards the stares only to slam into something. On instinct my eyes close and reopen as a throbbing pain pierces my nose. A locker opened unexpectedly and clonked me right on the nose.

But I don't think it was truly unexpectedly. I turn around to see Darcy and Dustin laughing their heads off. I roll my eyes. Haha very funny. What are we in kindergarten?

It's a perfect time to make a getaway without being seen since they're busy laughing at my misery. So I practically run to the stairs to get away from them but just as I approach, I trip on nothing, or rather Dustin trips me with his stupid telekinesis and I go flying down the stairs. As I lose my grip on my books
Well I'm not really flying down the stairs but I am flying that's for sure. Either Dustin is helping me not totally face plant in front of the whole school or someone else with the same abilities is controlling me. Either way I'm floating in the air in front of the school.

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