Chapter 10

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Authors note: here's something for the holiday of love.😘 Happy Valentines Day.

I sigh.

The night has been dragging on with my exceptional boredom, making me restless. It is currently 12 O'clock and I've found myself staring at the stars again. Not able to close my eyes and drift off to the land of sleep. I sigh yet again.

I wish I hadn't said my goodbyes. I wish I was still on that ship and didn't have to go to school on Monday. Monday's are the worst. I slowly get up from the floor and walk off the roof. I walk my way to a bedroom that I've created and slump onto it, hoping that I can at least get some sleep tonight. After a while I ended up forcing myself to sleep. I just closed my eyes until I entered my dreams.


Reluctantly, my eyes briefly open before they close again. The sun is shining right onto me and it's blinding. Now I feel groggy and there's a heavy weight on me. My eyes open and before I close them again I shut the curtains closed with my telekinesis so the sun is blurred into a shadow. I lift my head and glance at my belly.


What the frick!?

What the fuck!!?

"WHAT THE FUCKKK!!!!!?????" I scramble off my bed and that causes the hungover Landen Jaye to fall off me and onto the floor. He rubs his eyes as he comes to. I stare at him completely perplexed.

Landen was nestled on the bed too and his head was positioned on my belly. We were so close together I'm sure if he wasn't sleeping he could hear my heart beating or the acid monsters in my stomach growling. It was an unpleasant feeling knowing that Landen and I were sleeping in the same bed. That shouldn't have happened. How did he even know where I was and that I was in this room? And I bet he's very confused on the fact that the warehouse that he saw crumble is now standing with no problems at all and on top of that it looks brand new and like a FUCKING HOTEL!!!!

Honestly I can't deal with Landen right now. How can so much drama come from one single person.


He's something else, I swear.

"Why are you yelling, Bella?" He groans in frustration and rubs his temple. "Ow."


"Why are you up so early anyway? Come, let's go back to sleep." He crawls back on the bed and pats for me to lay next to him.

Obviously, he's delusional and hasn't noticed that I'm NOT Bella. His hungover is affecting him more than I thought. I sit on the very edge of the bed and talk to him with the calmest voice I can manage. "Landen. It's 9:13 in the morning. What. Are. You. Do-"

My sentence gets cut off when Landen reaches over and pulls me in with a hug around the waist. I've never had any physical contact with a boy before. Ever. Not in a school project or anything like that. I mean of course I've touched a male before but never a human. To think that any kind of contact would feel the same.... but no, this is different. An uncomfortable and sweaty kind of different. If this is what it feels like to touch a male human then I'd rather not touch one.

At least his skin is soft though. It makes me want to stay like this forever.

No! Stop. Ew! Gross. Stop. This isn't right.

I grab his hands and move them off my waist. This motion gives Landen some attention and finally looks at me.

"I'm not Bella." I tell him.

Okay, now this is where it gets weird. I expected to have a moment with him. Even though I said I should stay away from him but still I wanted a moment. And this seemed like a perfect moment for me to tell him my actual name. It's starting to get on my nerves every time he doesn't say my name right. But nope, I was wrong. I was so wrong because apparently a drunk Landen is a stupid Landen. And you'd think a hungover Landen would be a better version than a drunkie. BUT NOPE it's just as bad. He does something completely random. I was caught by surprise when he smiled at me with those twinkling eyes. When his smile turned into a smirk and then into lust.
He peered at me. I could tell he finally knew that I wasn't Bella.

"Even better."

His hand snakes around my waist again. With force, I land back on the bed. Landen moves me with ease and tenderness. Laying himself half on the bed and half on me. I'm not worried, instead I'm intrigued and want to laugh at how he placed me on the bed. I turn my head to look at his side profile. Despite me wanting to speak first I let him instead.

His eyes focus on mine. I search his ocean eyes that I could drown in and he searches my brown chocolate ones. All he does is stare at me. He looks at my nose, my ears, my eyebrows and finally my lips. It takes all my will power to not look away. I want to stand my ground. I want him to know that he can't take advantage of me if he's one of those kids. If he's a bad decision maker when in drunk mode. I won't look away from him. Especially his eyes. There's a sparkle in them. A spark that no one would want to see fade away. It makes him that much more gorgeous. The spark in my eyes died a long time ago.

I try to control my breathing and ignore the fact that an ache has formed in my neck from staring at him for so long. To be honest, I don't mind though. Remember when I said I like Earth because of its food? Yeah well, I also like Earth for it's impossible-to-describe-in-words-how beautiful the humans are. They truly have a gift for great genetics.

His gaze comes back to my eyes again. I can tell that he likes staring at my me just as much as I like to stare at him.

I flinch as I feel a hand slide to my face and caress my chin. Then he shifts his hand and moves my hair behind my ear, exposing my whole face. I'm completely frozen and now it's  physically impossible to avert his eyes. He takes a deep breath and rests his forehead against mine.

Meaning he's even CLOSER to me now. I close my eyes.

He looks at my lips. "I can't really remember what happened last night. Can you.... refresh my memory?"

His lips are now slightly touching mine but I snap my eyes open. What does he mean by that? I bring my hand onto his arm. Instantly, I am enveloped into his memories. I watch and search through his thoughts until I come to a memory of him walking to my brand new mansion. Not only did he follow me into the warehouse an hour after I went into space but he also went in WITH HIS FRIENDS.

That means his friends are here. In my house. And they could wake up any moment and find their way into this room. Where Landen and I are...

Where Landen is on top of me and we're about to kiss.


Something SuperTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon