Chapter 2

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I slowly float to the top of the stairs as my books come into my possession. I'm too shocked to realize I finally landed on the ground, standing on top of the stairs. My eyes search around trying to process what had happened. But my eyes are searching the wall in front of me so I turn around to face Landen staring down Dustin.
Some of the students have stopped walking and started watching. Others just give a quick glance over at us as they scurry to class.
I snap out of it and head over to Landen. The 11th grader that saved me from face planting. I was half right, that someone was controlling me but it wasn't Dustin anymore. It was another one of his kind. Another one that could control anything with just his mind. Another one that was popular.
As I approach Landen, Darcy mutters a flirtatious "hi Landen" to act all innocent.
Landen nods to her and speaks to Dustin. "I've heard about you. Your Dustin." Dustin soaks his words in as he turns towards a three to four crowd that has formed. "You can leave." The crowd instantly disperses.
His focus comes onto me. "I've also heard about you. One of the few with no powers." He smiles at me and I stare at him blankly.
He speaks to both Darcy and Dustin now. "You are 10th graders now." Each word he pronounces clearly. "Act like it."
Darcy speaks up. "Landen-"
I have no idea what she was about to say but it seemed pointless. Landen spoke again. "You should get to class before you're late."
The annoyingly dynamic duo glance at each other passing invisible messages between them. Finally I could tell they came to a conclusion. Darcy started leaving first, Dustin behind her. As they passed us Dustin gave me a look and in that moment I wanted him to read my mind. I wanted to tell him to suck it. That he could kiss my ass. But he didn't need to read my mind for him to tell that I said it with my face. And just like that they disappeared.
Truly I'm thankful to Landen that he helped me but I never asked for help nor want it. I always handle things myself.
I look up to Landen. "I appreciate your help but I had it under control."
Landen faced me and crossed his arms in disbelief. "You were about fall on your face."
I rolled my eyes. "Just don't control me again. I like being in control of myself." I said with a hint of annoyance.
He looked confused. "So you'd rather them control you and face plant."
I'm not doing this again. I'm not going to argue with another person right now. I simply said "yes" and left.
I don't want to be late for my next class either.
After many, many, many classes later, having a few more classes with Dustin and only one with Darcy and I can't forget about the infamous Landen Jaye that's in my study hall, I finally arrive home.
The only person to greet me when I open the front door is my lovable cat named Vaston. My parents are still working and my sister's at her so called "volleyball practice." My sister has skipped some of her practices to hang out with her boyfriend, Jeremy. He's a respectable nice guy and even my parents have approved him to go out with my sister. But teenagers are teenagers and sometimes they skip there volley practices or skip lunch to "mess around." Not the gross stuff though. It's all PG-13. Neither of them are ready to go to the next level.
Anyway, my family will take awhile to come home so I head up to my room with my cat in hand.
My room is kind of plain. My pillows are a silky silver color. Nothing on my walls expect for a canvas I painted of a planet that I've visited. I have my own private bathroom and my desk. I also have a king sized bed that sits directly in front of a window. I move to sit on it, taking my backpack off in the process. I lay down and I hold Vaston in the air. "Do you want to come into my mind with me?"
All I hear from him is a meow but I already knew that meant no. I waited a little longer for him to say more. "What? Cat got your tongue?" I chuckle at my own joke which I'm sure Vaston would hate and he does by reaching out and clawing at me.
I dodge him just in time. "Woah, woah, relax! I won't get in trouble this time."
I smile to myself, knowing that he can't respond back.
Then I close my eyes. Everything focusing in on me as I lift off my bed. Soon enough my cat is floating in front of me as we're both 4 feet off the ground. My energy spreading around us making a fragile shield. We both go limp as our subconsciousness forms in one. My own.
We are no longer in my bedroom. Instead I've created a scene of my own. We're on a deserted planet. With a beautiful sunrise awakening upon us at the perfect moment. Rays of purple, orange, yellow, red and even a hint of green shine everywhere. Making even myself glow a bright color. I look behind me and see that Vaston is also glowing.
With this glow he even looks more perfect then normal. In reality he is a cat. An on all fours creature that couldn't speak to humans. But standing before me is a human itself. The most handsome human I have ever created. We are in my head, I can do anything. So I turned a cat into a human. I didn't create him in my own image though. Cats have there own facial features. All I had to do was turn him into a human.
And boy is it worth it. I've always been mesmerized on how cats always were more superior than humans. Well the way they look is superior but I don't know about how smart they are. Not one flaw I could point out on Vaston's face. He was utterly and annoyingly perfect in every way. Obviously he's just a cat though.
Vaston notices I'm staring at him and he does the same. He looks at me and sighs. "You're grounded from mind jumping, Haven. I hope you don't get caught cuz this is dangerous." He crosses his arms and looks adorable while doing it.
I smile at his adorableness. I start to move near him as he walks towards me too. We walk into an embrace that progresses into him hugging me from behind while we face the sunrise. The glow hitting us at all the right angles.

I speak first. "It's been awhile."

I could feel his lips pull into a smile. "We talk to each other everyday."

It's true we do. But not like this. Usually I talk to him when he's in cat form and that's just kind of awkward. Well it's still awkward because I'm friends with a cat. A cat that can turn human.
It's just that I'm familiar and comfortable with him. And he doesn't really understand the ways of human life so some times he can get a little touchy but it's okay, I love to feel loved. And I already know he has a crush on me. Just imagine a cat liking a human but it's not like he's acting on his emotions. Humans live longer then cats plus I also realize that I could turn him immortal at any moment but that is inhumane and unnatural. I don't like to do any of that anyway. To play with life like it's nothing.
I look up to him. "I know but it's not the same."
He peers at me through his golden eyes, knowing exactly what I'm thinking. "I've missed you too."
We stare out into the abyss and relax as I tell my subconscious to bring out a couch so we can sit on it. Of course a couch appears out of thin air and we instantly lay on it.
Instead of staring into the endless sunrise I stare into Vaston's eyes. Of course he catches me staring because I don't even try to hide it. He looks into my eyes too. His hand coming up to caress my cheek.
It's nice to just sit here. To let someone know who you are and what you're thinking when you let them in your mind. I will always know I can count on him if I need him and it goes both ways.

He kisses the top of my forehead as we turn our gaze back onto the finally awoken sun.


After awhile of us flying in a castle that I've magically formed out of thin air, it starts to shake.
Vaston's expression fills with concern. "What's happening?"
I sigh. "It's my sister. She's yelling at me." We float back down to the grounds of the castle. The castle deforming underneath our feet as I get ready for us to break apart from my subconscious.
"I told you you were gonna get in trouble." Vaston smiles.
"It's your own fault I should've been watching the time but you were distracting me." I commented.
"With what?" Vaston asks me with a smug look on his face, trying to spring something out of me but I just role my eyes.
"You ready?"
"To go back into cat form?" He pounders my question for a while. "I guess." He shrugs.
"Okay." I close my eyes and soon enough I feel myself get hit in the head with a shoe. My eyes fly open, trying to find the person that hurt me. Of course I instantly find her. "Nava!" I absentmindedly rub the spot of the shoe that hit me. "That hurts."
Nava shouts at me. "What are you doing! Come back down!"
I realize that we're back in the real world but are still floating in the air so like nothing ever happened I close my eyes again and find ourselves on the ground. Vaston standing on the floor with me next to him while we're facing Nava.
"I thought you we're grounded from mind jumping!"
"Technically it's not mind jumping since I only went in my own head." I corrected her.
She rolls her eyes. "It's really sad that you we're mind jumping with Vaston." She looks at him who is know rubbing his fur against my legs.
She looks back at me in disgust. "You know he has a crush on you, right? You're boyfriend is a cat."
"He's not my boyfriend." I simply state.
All she does is laugh in disbelief and walks away from my bedroom. Knowing she won't snitch on me to our parents I call out to her and say thank you.

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