Chapter 5

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I really hope you like my story so far! It gets better don't worry. ;)

"Can I ask what happened to him?" My question hangs in the air as she processes it. After awhile of silence I figured she wasn't going to answer me just as she spoke up.

"No, you can't."

I nod in agreement. It wasn't my place to even ask that question and if she doesn't want me to know then I'll respect that.

She starts to move towards the door. "I'll show you to him."

I stop her before she can exit the room. "That won't be necessary. It's done. He's awake now."
She stands there for awhile in disbelief. But I motion my head forwards. She follows my gaze to the room across from ours. Her son is there. His eyes rip open. His hands shoot up to the cast around his neck and he sits up while taking it apart.

Mrs. Shaw looks back at me. "Thank you for this. Please stay here, I need to talk to you after I talk to him."

I nod but before she can walk over to comfort her son I say to her, "Can you not tell him that I healed him. I don't want anyone knowing about my powers."

She smiles warmly. "Of course." And heads off to the nurses room.

I sit by her desk facing away from them. I wait patiently, trying really hard not eavesdrop on their conversation. Whatever her son did was none of my business. I don't want to get into any drama this year. I don't want to be the center of attention. If anybody found out about me they would try to take control of me. Try and fail. If any of my classmates new the extent of my powers I would be even more of an outcast. I'd be a freak. If other schools new about my existence they would try to convince me to attend their school or better yet come to my school and bug me all the time. I wouldn't catch a break. And that's not even the worse of what could happen. I just don't like the idea of people knowing about my powers. I don't even wanna know what could happen. The only people that know about my powers is the principal, my family, my cat and anybody I have encountered that isn't from this planet.

My mind wonders for awhile. I didn't even know the exact time when Mrs. Shaw came back into the room and started talking to me. I only caught half of her sentence when she finished speaking.

"Truly anybody is welcome to come watch." She stops talking, obviously satisfied with my reaction. I try to clear my head and process what she said before that. Then it hits me. My mind catches up to me and I know exactly what she's talking about. But I can't believe it.

"You want me to fight my sister as an evaluation!?" I realize that I said that to loudly so I whisper my next sentence. "Without my powers and everyone's going to watch me?"

Mrs. Shaw sighs. Not pleased anymore. "Yes at the end of the semester. I want you to tell Nava this in person. She doesn't know yet but I'll also be sending an email out to her."

This is unbelievable. "I realize that I still need to prove that I can be responsible without my powers but if I fight Nava I could destroy her. I've been fighting all my life. I've been in possible situations where I've hurt so bad but still manage to continue to fight even without my powers. Nava has only been properly fighting since we've been at this school," I finish my rant and take a breathe but only to continue again. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I've discussed it with your parents and they also agree with me. And no matter who wins the fight we can heal you both. Nava has a good amount of time to prepare and so do you. I won't change my mind." Mrs. Shaw sits up straighter in her chair. "This fight will take place at the end of the semester. It will determine your grade for your fight class of the semester. So tomorrow you will only have to train in that class and prepare for your battle. Nothing else." She states matter of affectedly.

I sigh. Even my parents new about this and didn't tell me. It's fine though. I'll be able to use weapons to fight against Nava's water power. Now all I have to do is tell Nava about our fighting test. "Okay. I will pass your test with flying colors." I look at Mrs. Shaw. "Can I leave now?"

She nods.

I give a tight nod in return and quietly tell her thank you. As I move out of my chair the bell rings. Signaling school to be over. I missed the last class. My study hall. I've been in the office for 45min. Almost a whole hour.

I make my way out of the office careful to avoid anybody and I keep my head down so my hair falls to cover my face. Also covering my eyes making me bump into somebody. I look up to see that it's Landen. He looks from me to the office. "Flora? What happened? I thought you said you weren't hurt."

That's not my name either, buddy. Seriously where do you come up with these names? It's actually kind of sad that you still don't know my name.

Should I tell him?



I look at the office too and try to think of an excuse for why I was at the office. I frantically come up with something. "Um. I went to the nurses office because of a gash on my stomach. I guess I was in too much shock to feel it yesterday." I look back at him and wear a cheeky smile. "Sorry, I didn't tell you."

He sighs and manages to roll his eyes at the same time. "It's fine." He starts walking and expects me to follow so I do. "I'm just glad you aren't dead. It would've been my fault."

I shake my head. "It wouldn't have been your fault but you did make me lose my ice cream cone. Your buying me another one."

"Well, my brand new shoes are ruined and you owe me new ones."

I cringe as we stop at his locker. I don't really wanna by a hundred dollar shoes for him. "How about I save you sometime since you saved me twice now and then we'll be even."

"Deal. But that's never gonna happen. I'm the fateful hero and your the damsel in distress."

My face scrunches up in disgust as my way of telling him I'm no damsel in distress. He sees my amazing expression and chuckles while he puts his books in his bag.

My gaze moves over his shoulder to his friends that are coming his way. His jock friends. The populars. Including the oh so slutty Isabella Mofer. Otherwise known as Bella. In French it means beautiful and no wonder why. She's gorgeous. Like an absolute angel. If only her personality was just as gorgeous as she was. But she's a rotten apple. The Evil Queen of Snow Whites story. The bully to a nerds life. And in my life she's the 11th grade cheerleader. In my story she's a hoe. A bitch slapping attitude hooker. A whore. She's even worse then Darcy and her gang. Imagine Darcy but insane. Like insane insane. To be honest I have no energy for Bella and her shenanigans so before they can see me talking with Landen I come up with another lame excuse. "I have to go Landen so I'll see you tomorrow."

I wave at him as I catch him off guard with leaving. But he waves back just in time for me to disappear and his friends to reappear at his side.

I spin around and head to my locker. Instantly wanting to find Nava and tell her what's going down. To tell her we are fighting.


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