Chapter 9

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I approach my warehouse.

Spectating every crumble of brick that has broken apart from my secret hideout. It looks sad. The warehouse was my home when I didn't feel like going to my actual home. This house nourished me when I felt alone. It doesn't deserve to look sad. This isn't how it should look at all.

After I sense that no one is near me or sees me, I stare at the house and it comes back to life. The walls piece back together, the roof is paired the right way and I even made it cleaner. No more leaking pipes in the basement and no more cobwebs hanging in corners. This is my house now and my house will look like a palace.

I march inside, heading straight for the roof. I climb the stairs that takes me through three floors. Gazing in awe at my new mansion. It's completely redone. I gave it a badass makeover. Now if I wanted too, I could act like I'm rich or I could throw a party here and brag about it to everyone, at my school, how awesome it is.

But I won't. That's not who I am at all plus I already live in a mansion. With my family. I like to call it an oversized house instead of a mansion though. It doesn't make my appearance seem like a stuck up rich kid like those other teens at my school. Like Bella and Landen. I'd hate to be like them. I shouldn't even talk to Landen. Everyone says he's a player. There have been rumors going around that he was cheating all along through his and Bella's relationship. Technically he was but only once. Still, I consider that to be the definition of a playboy. After I get him his present I should cut ties with him. His kind and my kind shouldn't be together. And I'm not just talking about literally, I'm talking about the fact that he's popular and I'm a nerd like those people you've seen on tv. I've watched so many movies about the nerd and the popular bad boy and to be honest I would never want my life to become a movie. It just wouldn't work. Landen and I wouldn't work.

So as I plop my fantasy butt onto my new secure fantastic roof, I look up at the sky. The stars have peaked out of no where and glow like there's no tomorrow. I smile to myself. One of the good things about living on Earth is that I get to look at the stars and it's true that the stars are so far away from me but at least I get to see them. Some other planets have such thick atmosphere's that I can't even see anything from space. But not here. I can see everything. Including that very familiar dot that's floating in the middle of nowhere. I stare at the dot for a second longer before I pin point exactly what it is. My smile widens and I shoot towards the stars. Away from Earth. I rip open the air and fly so fast that no satellite could pick up my location. Soon enough the dot isn't a dot anymore. It's something much more than that.

It's my past.

The very own DNS Borinne has presented itself before me. Has graced me with its presence. The DNSB is a ship. A flying ship.

And yes it actually is one of those kind of ships that journey on seas. But this one is expressively engineered to sail through stars. Aka space.

Explorers who were trained, banned together and ventured throughout the galaxy searching for quests to complete. And anyone that looks for trouble always finds it but that's who they were. They were daring, outrageous, extraordinary and completing foolish for careening into dangerous unknowns. Still as a kid I wanted to be just like them. I wanted to find my purpose in the world by joining their team and explore the world. To help people when they needed it or find gold in ruins of broken off planets. That's what they were most famous for.

But later on, somehow I managed to be my own hero and now half of the galaxy has heard of me or has challenged me. Lots of people know that I'm a champion but fewer people know about my age and the extent of my powers. And nobody knows that I now live on Earth. I'm sure nobody's even heard of Earth. Earth and it's people are low life's. They are the most unintelligent creatures that have come in existence. They develop surprisingly slow and their economy is rotting. Nonetheless, I can't deny that they have amazing food.

I know everyone on the DNS. I met them not too long ago and they're absolutely amazing.
Everyone is working on deck. No one's at the helm of the wheel. But the ship isn't moving so it isn't necessary to steer. The little girl that I know as Roslyn spots me first. A smile beems on her face and she starts jumping up and down. "Corrine! It's Haven. Haven's here! She's here!"

The little kids around Roslyn snap their heads in my direction along with everyone else.
The only two people that were below deck were Corrine's mate, Chance, and Corrine herself. They emerge from the stairs confused about the commotion going on.

"Look! It's Haven." Roslyn repeats.

They both look at me as I lower myself to their steel floors. I land right in front of Corrine. She stares at me. I stare back. Chance also stares at me. And everyone else is staring at me too. I'm definitely not gonna be the one that'll speak first so someone else should break this never ending silence. Luckily, Corrine chuckles to herself and Roslyn joins her. Pretty soon everyone has joined in the laughing fit that Corrine started.

"What are you doing, Haven? Bring it in!"

She motions for me to hug her and I do. We embrace in a gut crushing hug and as I let go Chance begins to hug me. Then the tiny and very cute Roslyn. And soon everyone else has gathered into one big group hug. This was yet another home I've built over the years. Corrine has been my best friend forever but when we were five I moved away. I never got in touch with her after that. Until three years ago when I first came to Earth at twelve. The summer before I was told I had to attend human school, I flew away. And landed on Corrine's favorite planet. Like a miracle she was there too and told me she made it on the DNS. That was really surprising but I should've known she would've tried to get in. Despite her being thirteen at that age she also wanted to be a part of the DNS. We shared that dream together. Later, she introduced me to the members and I spent my time on that ship for three days before I had the courage to go back to Earth.
I didn't tell Corrine that I lived on Earth though.

But back then I promised Corrine I would visit her again and that's exactly what I did. Every year I would visit her and her crew, like a family reunion. Visiting the DNS was refreshing for me. Any time I missed her I would just fly to her. She's the only best friend I've ever had. Along with the seven year old Roslyn of course.

Corrine is sixteen now and Chance is seventeen.

After having the whole crew tackle me, we sat down and I reunited with them. I told everyone that they should explore this planet called Aquaria. The planet is covered entirely with beds of ocean. And then I told the little kids a legacy about the life that inhabits Aquaria. That there are rumors that mermaids actually have a home planet. And that sirens and mermaids have gotten along and now live on Aquaria. Of course the kids didn't believe me though. They were all like "but mermaids and sirens don't have a home planet" or "I've never even heard of Aquaria."

But I gave them the coordinates and they'll probably coax Corrine if there quest can be Aquaria next.

After awhile I pulled Corrine aside and reunited with her and then Chance came to join us. We joked and laughed together. Chance was also my best friend. Practically like a brother to me. Our conversation turned a deep direction as I blurted out that I live on Earth now. I didn't mean to tell her or Chance but I've held it in for three years now and I don't think I need to hold it in anymore. It wasn't really a big deal anyways. Well to me. It definitely was for Corrine. She kept asking about Earth.

"What is it like there?"

"Do you think we could visit you, now that we know where you are?"

"Would the humans be open to us invading there home?"

"Are they afraid of aliens?"

"I heard there food is amazing."

"Do you live in Africa, America or some other country?"

"I hear that they're rainbows are short some colors."

"But I've also heard that there humans look gorgeous. I've watched countless of the Earthling's tv shows and movies that I can't get enough of Cameron Boyce!"

I don't want to tell her that Cameron Boyce died so I push that aside and answer her other questions. Including her bazaar ones on how she thinks aliens should visit Earth.

To be honest I could answer her questions all day long but time has no limit in space and that means I have no idea what time it is right now. So I need to leave before a day passes or a week and my family starts to wonder where I am.

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