Chapter Ten

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Hi, a quick little thing. Please don't say that you want Mike to die, he's a character I've had for a long time, and it makes me sad reading the comments that are saying he should die. I know you want to Mista ship, but I would appreciate it if you would stop.
Thank you and enjoy the chapter 💖
"Mikes awake!"
You didn't make a single noise as you stood. Mista reached to touch your hand, asking if you were okay. Before he could even touch you, your body was already moving. You had begun sprinting, breezing past Fugo before he could even react.
  In a rush, you scrambled up the stairs, slipping, before making your way towards Mike's room, Mista and Fugo following closely behind. You're mind was racing. He was awake. The man you had spent three weeks in figurative hell, was finally awake. He was going to be okay. Your body felt like it weighed nothing, and like it was the heaviest thing in the world, but you'd be damned if you let the stop you from seeing him again.
  Mista reached for you as you stopped at the top of the stairs, but you had begun moving again before you could grab you. He called out for you to wait, you didn't listen. You didn't want to listen, you had to see him now. The door nearly broke as you opened it, hot tears trailed your cheeks as you saw Mike, awake. Without a moment to wait, you flung yourself towards him, hugging him as soon as you had climbed onto the bed. A soft laugh escaped his lips as he hugged you back, a smile tugging at his lips.
  "You're alive, you kept our promise." You whispered, trying not to sob.
  "I am, and I did. I would never leave you Y/n." He whispered back, holding you close.
  "I was so scared."
  "So was I, but we don't have to be scared anymore."
  You looked up at him as he brushed off your tears with his thumb. A blush formed along your cheeks as he leaned ever so closer to you. His other hand entwined with yours, a soft look in his eyes as he opened his mouth.
  "Y/n I-"
  His sentence was cut off by Mista and Fugo entering the room. You couldn't tell at first glance, and he didn't know it himself, but Mista was jealous. Before Mike was awake, before Fugo ruined the moment, Mista had you in his arms. Now you were in the arms of another man, and he didn't like it. Of course he couldn't show his disdain, he had to make sure you were happy.
  "Mike, this is Mista, and you've already met Fugo." You introduced them. "They've been taking care of me and you."
  "It's nice to meet you," Mike smiled. "Thank you so much for taking care of us."
  Fugo nodded. "It's no problem."
  "Yeah," Mista gave a half smile, trying to fake his happiness. "It's good to see you're better now."
  Mike rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm not completely better yet. The wounds on my chest haven't fully healed."
  You squeezed his hand, smiling softly. "At least we're safe."
  Mike smiled back, causing Mista to frown for a moment. Mista didn't like how you were smiling at him, he wanted to be the one you were smiling at. But he couldn't understand why. He'd only known you for a short amount of time, so there was no logic or reason as to why he felt this way.
Fugo began talking with Mike, making sure everything was alright for the most part. This bore you a bit, so you turned to talk to Mista, but he wasn't in the room. A frown began to form, but you quickly brushed it off, not want to worry Mike about your problems. Right now, you wanted to make sure that Mike was as happy and comfortable as he could be.
Whilst the three of you were in Mike's room, Mista was on his way to find Bruno or Abbacchio. He needed someone who was older and knew more about these kinds of emotions, so maybe not Abbacchio. He just wanted to know why he felt this way, why he got upset when Mike and Y/n interact.
Figuring Bruno was in his office, he knocked on the door, asking for permission to come in. He was granted access, causing him to open the door. "Hey Bruno, can I ask for some advice?"
  "Of course, what is it?" Bruno set down his pen.
  Misty closed the door, sitting at the chair in front of the desk. He felt something pool in his stomach as he tried to form what he wanted to say. "How do I explain it..? I get these weird feelings whenever Y/n is around. My chest feels tight and my head is light." He rubbed the back of his neck. "But then I see her hugging and smiling Mike, and it makes me feel... not good.? I don't understand why I feel this way, which is why I came to you, I want to understand why. I need to understand."
Bruno thought for a moment.
"Could it be you feel protective over her?" Bruno tapped his finger against his chin. "You've bonded with her the most out of everyone here, so naturally you would have a stronger bond and emotions than the rest of us. You just don't want her to get hurt by anyone."
  Mista nodded.
"Yeah.. I guess that would explain some of it. But it still confuses me. I just- I don't know. It all feels so complicated and jumbled and shit."
"Well, emotions are complicated." Bruno gave a sympathetic shrug.
"Yeah I guess," Mista tugged on his hat, frustrated with his emotions and inability to understand them. He couldn't tell if he wanted to kiss you or just simply be around you. He knew once Lorenzo was defeated you would be sent back to your normal life, so it would be better if he just left you be. The thing is, he didn't want to do that. He wanted to keep in touch with you even after Lorenzo was gone.
  Maybe it was just the fact that he liked being needed, but if that was the case, wouldn't he stopped caring after a while? Would he try to help more people? None of this made any sense to him. He hated that.
"Well, thanks." Mista stood up.
"It's no problem." Bruno gave a small smile. "I hope I helped at least a bit."
"You did."
That was a lie.
As Mista went to leave the room, Narancia came in, holding a piece of paper in his hand.
"Bruno! Bruno! There's a message from Lorenzo!" Narancia yelled, slamming the paper on the desk for Bruno to see.
  He immediately grabbed it, reading it over. His brows furrowed as he bit into his lip. This obviously wasn't a good sign.
  "What's it say?" Mista asked.
  "We have to go get Y/n right now."
  Bruno set the down the paper, letting Mista get a glance.
  A stand is planted in both pets you have stolen from me.

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