Chap 1 "Back Home"

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Mitchi's POV

We landed at LAX and got our luggage. "Steve, I'm glad you came here with me," I smiled.

"I'm glad to be here," Steve smiled. "I will be at the Airbnb if you decide you want to sleep over, but I know you have a room at your dad's."

"That's where I'm planning to stay while we're here," I pointed as I grabbed my luggage off the belt. "You know he's not gonna let daddy's little girl stay with the guy he's never met before. I know we've been together for six years, but he still has yet to meet you." I looked at Steve. "He knows of you because I speak about you all the time. He just needs to put a face to the name."

"I will get to meet him, right?" Steve asked.

"Yes, you'll get that chance on my birthday," I nodded. Steve dropped me off at SWAT headquarters and I walked outside with my suitcase. Everyone said hi to me, like I never left. I saw my dad. "Dad!"

"Mitchi," Dad smiled. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit family," I replied. "I plan to stay for the summer. Didn't Mom tell you?"

"Mom didn't tell me anything," Dad nodded. "Well, I'm glad you're here." I let go of him. "You need the car, don't you?"

"Well, no," I nodded.

"Hey, Deac," Hondo walked in. Still the same old Hondo I remember when I first met him. "Who's your new friend?"

"Actually, it's Mitchi," Dad replied.

"Mitchi?" Hondo looked at me. "You've definitely grown up from the girl I took out on a date." I smiled. "That was, what? Eight years ago?"

"I don't think that was a date," I replied. "I think Dad wanted me to have a babysitter when I went out with a group of girls." I hugged him as he gave a chuckle. "Dad tells me that you've been leading the team."

"Yeah, it's been a minute," Hondo nodded. "You going to be hanging around here with Cortez like the old times and just have some girl talk?"

"Uhm, no," I sighed. "I actually need to talk to Cortez. While I'm here, I was thinking I could help you guys in SWAT."

"No, it's too dangerous," Dad nodded. "Besides, you would have to pass the Academy." Jessica walked in. "Hey, Captain. You remember Mitchi, right?"

"Yes," Jessica gave me a hug. "I knew she would be here." I smiled. "I take it you have the temporary transfer papers for me to sign."

"What is she talking about?" Dad asked as I handed Jessica papers from my suitcase. "What's going on?"

"Dad, Jessica is approving my transfer to work with LAPD SWAT for the summer while I'm here," I replied. "I passed the police academy down in Honolulu and got repositioned at Hawaii Five-O. My training from Hawaii Five-O gave me a set of skills that I have that will help LAPD SWAT." I looked at Dad. "Jessica is letting me roll with you guys while I'm here."

"You passed Honolulu's police academy and you're just now telling me this?" Dad asked.

"I've been busy," I replied. "Besides, second generation law enforcement for the family."

"Who runs Hawaii Five-O?" Dad asked.

"Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett. I've told you this," I replied. "He's also my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Dad asked. "Does this boyfriend happen to come to LA with you?"

"You guys must be LAPD SWAT," Steve walked in. "I have to meet the team that my best officer is joining."

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