Chap 7 "Factors"

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Mitchi's POV

I walked into Five-O headquarters and saw Steve. "Hey, Steve," I sighed. "I need to talk to you."

"Hey," Steve stated. "I didn't know you were coming to Hawaii."

"Well, it surprised me too," I replied. Junior and Tani walked in. "Hey guys."

"Mitchi," Junior smiled and hugged me. "We've missed you this past year."

"Yeah, it's been crazy back in LA," I stated. "The whole thing with Kala and her biological father."

"Yeah, I remember Steve told us about that," Tani replied. "Where is Kala?"

"She's at my apartment," I replied, "with Street."

"Jim Street is here?" Steve asked.

"It is his week," I replied. "They wanted to come to Hawaii."

"What do you guys have for me?" Steve asked, pretty much annoyed that Street was in Hawaii. "Anything useful?"

"Oh, are you in the middle of a case?" I asked.

"Yeah," Steve replied. "You wanna jump into the case?"

"Steve, I really have to talk to you about this," I nodded. "I can wait and come back tomorrow?"

"No, no. It's okay," Steve stated. "You guys fill me in later?" Steve and I walked into his office and he closed the door. "What is it that couldn't wait?"

"Steve, I'm going to be waiting another year before coming back to Hawaii," I looked at him. "I've been talking to my parents and they want me to give Street another chance for both of us to be parents together for another year."

"But we're engaged to be married," Steve held my left hand. "That's what we've always talked about the past three and a half years. You're really going to throw six years of our relationship away for a guy you dated in high school?" I looked at him. "Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm sorry, Steve," I replied as I retracted my hand from his. I took off the ring and put it in his hand. "It was a hard decision for me, but you know that I always want Kala to be happy." He looked at me as I backed towards the door. "If I come back, I promise, we can pick up right where we left off. A wedding." I opened the door. "I know you can't promise you'll wait the whole year, but if it means anything at all, I hope, whoever it is you decide to be with, treats you right. Goodbye, Steve. I'll always love you." I walked out of the Palace with tears rolling down my face. I walked to my car as I see Danny's Camaro pull up. I wiped my tears and plastered a small smile as he got out. "Hey, Danny."

"I didn't realize you were back," Danny replied.

"I'm not," I replied. "I just came to say bye to Hawaii for a bit." I opened my car door. "It was good seeing you, Danny." I got in and drove to the apartment. I went into my apartment and Street was sitting on the couch. "Hey." I sat down next to him. "When do we go back to LA?"

"Not for a couple days," Street nodded. He held my hands. "You're not wearing the ring?"

"I'm a free woman," I sighed. "I returned the ring and walked out."

"That means I can do this," Street stated. He put his right hand on my cheek and leaned in and kissed me. "I'm glad to have you back."

"I'm glad we're not a broken family," I looked at Street. "We can be a family, a real family."

"Mommy!" Kala ran up to me and jumped in my lap. "Can we go to Kamekona's Truck?"

"You want Kamekona's food this early?" I asked.

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