Update on SCP-035

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We have discovered a new anomalous effect of SCP-035. A child put him on and did not seem to be possessed, instead he became cartoonish and went on a wild rampage. He survived multiple bullets, 10 missiles, and getting hit with a truck so hard he flew. We managed to remove SCP-035 from the child by throwing a guilt bomb at him for killing multiple people, when SCP-035 was removed no traces of the liquid was found on the child.

Interview log
Dr////: so SCP-035, what can you tell us about this new ability of yours?

SCP-035: what new abili- oh right, well ya see we all wear masks, to hide our true nature and have a more acceptable look. I find the children much more interesting so when they wear me I bring out there true nature.

Dr////: well when we removed you from the child we found no trace of the liquid you secrete, care to explain?

SCP-035: not really but not like I have a choice, like I said I find the children more interesting, there for I don't want them to expire.

Dr////: so ho-

SCP-035: blah blah blah nothing but questions, cmon let's have a real conversation. How's your day, have a family, do y-

Dr////: don't change the-

SCP-035: oh cmon *gets up* you don't wanna be stuck like this do ya?

Dr////: guards? GUAR-

SCP-035 attempted to strangle Dr//// but was shot down, Dr//// is currently making a recovery and SCP-035 will be transferred to another Site.
End log

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