Watcha Think

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Connor remained on his bed, facing the mask. His thoughts were interrupted with a vibration from his phone, it was a message from Terry

Erma's cousins are staying in a hotel for the night so she invited us to a sleepover

Cool, will we be expecting this Mask kid🎭

Hope so, better be nice to Erma, The Mask might just steal her away💋💋💋

Connor's mind was made up, he was going to wear the mask for Erma. Connor placed the mask over his face the-

Connor: alright I'm back to do your job, now... time for that sleepover. Somebody stop me!

Adrienna: what's going o-

Connor: *shoves lit dynamite in her mouth* sssmoking... is bad for your health

Adrienna: *boom*

Connor then made his way to Erma's. Little did he know he was being watched by two Nine Tails.

At Erma's house
Amy: wonder were Connor is.

Terry: I texted him before I left, he should be here soon.

Sidney: Maybe he wants to be more for Erma😉😉


*Knock kno- BOOM*

Connor: What's up everybady

Amy: the Mask?

Connor: hey, Terry said the mask would steal Erma away

Terry: Connor!?


Sidney: never would have guessed it.

Connor: so Erma, care to dance

Erma: O/////O

Connor: oh don't be shy-

Nine Tailed Fox Commander: SCP open up!!!

*Nine Tails surrounds Conor and the others*

Nine Tailed Fox Commander: Listen we can do this the easy way or the hard-

Connor: how bout I just make you all breakfast.

Nine Tailed Fox: that actually sounds ni-

Connor: *smashes into scrambled eggs* there, now your breakfast.*zooms away*

Nine Tailed Fox Commander: after him!!! *leaves with Nine Tails*

Erma's mind: Please be alright Connor

Nine Tailed Fox Commander: we lost him but we have more information, he seems to have feelings for that ghost girl. We can use this to our advantage.

Connor and The Possessive MaskWhere stories live. Discover now