Back Story (warning long)

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Connor woke up in the... junkyard? Why was he there, he looked around and noticed the mask on a manikin. He walked up to the manikin and reached out for his mask.

"Hey slow down, it's been a while since I talked." said 035, still smiling. Connor jumped back and fell "Y-you can talk?" Asked Connor stammering. "Of course, you think those powers just come out of nowhere?" Asked 035. "W-well, n-no but why are you talking now?" Asked Connor.

"I can only talk when I myself possess someone, all that back there was your true nature and my power. There's also that It's time you got to know me." Explained 035. Connor thought about this and nodded his head to know more about the mask that gave him the guts to talk to Erma.

"So I'll just flat out say it, you and I are the perfect match, your a nice kid yet your true nature is crazy, no one would guess that your this mask guy, so not only will I tell you my story, but my old friend's as well."said 035.

"I was Loki, the Norse god of mischief, I caused so much trouble for mortals and gods that they imprisoned me in this mask, but I should tell this story in a different view." Said 035

20-30 years ago

There was a scientist who was studying this Russian sleep experiment, but he accidentally sent information to someone who thankfully only wrote a Creepypasta story about it. He was still punished by being forced to join the test subjects and staying awake for 30 days.

Before the 12th day the scientist felt something, he somehow knew that the test subjects weren't going to make it. He killed them all and somehow reanimated their corpses as if it was normal, he then herd one word... pestilence.

It all made sense now, every sickness, infection, health problem, It was this pestilence that caused it all. On the 29th day he escaped the lab, bought a black robe, boots, gloves that killed, and a plague doctor mask, he then set out on his mission to find the perfect cure to the pestilence.

15 years later he came across a locked chest, he broke off the lock and picked up the mask that was in there, he somehow knew it was alive, he placed it on one of the zombies that followed him and that's how a great friendship started.

Present day

"And so we took the homeless into our hideout and cured them, it went like that until we were discovered by... her." Explained 035. "Her? Who's her?" Asked Connor.

035 shot a glare at Connor giving him the message to zip it. "Anyway I felt something strong between her and doc, they never knew it but they were even more then just friends. Well they didn't know it until we found out doc got her pregnant with twins." Said 035 with a sadden tone.

"Wait... twins? Erma's aunt Yori, she's the one who discovered you two, wait then that means." Said Connor putting all the pieces together.

035 let out a sigh and continued speaking, "I was expecting him to be happy, but instead he was... scared, he was a scientist that was demoted to a test subject, he couldn't find the perfect cure to the pestilence, heck! He didn't even know he was in love. He thought his children would rather not know their father than know he's a failure so he took off, I kept questioning him leaving and all he said was he would return once he found the cure. Once we got to Montauban I was fed up with him, we had to our separate ways, I went to Venice and hid myself in a sealed crypt in an abandoned house, few days later the SCP Foundation found me, 2 years later they found doc."

"SCP... wait was it those people that busted into Erma's house?" Asked Connor. "Yep, as a matter of fact Erma helped doc escape from them with a few others, but hey its about time we went home."


Erma was sitting with her family watching W.U.P. She didn't know what to think knowing her crush was The Mask, her parents had no idea though she knows she has to tell them eventually. "SCP OPEN UP AGAIN!" Yelled a familiar voice, the people in suits broke in again, Erma just used her powers to fix it and now...

"Stay where you are, Nine Tailed Fox Commander wants to speak with you." Said one of the people. Then someone walked in and stood in front of Erma, she then took of her helmet to reveal who she was. "Adrienna!" Said Emiko surprisingly. "Did ya miss me?"

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