Finding the Mask

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Connor was of to visit Erma, she just got back from her family reunion and finally back. On his way he noticed something in the corner of his eyes, a steel box.

He noticed the lock on it was broken and decided to open it, inside he found a white tragedy mask sitting in the box looking like it didn't like it there. He had a strong urge to put it on but instead put it in his bag and continued his way to Erma's house.

He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. "Oh hello Connor, we weren't expecting you." Said Emiko who was at the door. "Oh! If this is a bad time I can come back later. Said Connor apologizing. "No it's fine, it's just that my sister is here and her daughter's aren't the nicest." Said Emiko. Connor said it would be fine and was then welcomed in.

1 hours later

Connor walked in his house sadly because of Erma's cousins. They started with a little joke saying Erma was to good for him, then started picking on him, then finished things off with a wedgie.

He walked past his older sister's room, she was mentally insane so Connor didn't talk to her a lot. He was in his room channel surfing and stopped at a channel talking about the published book called The Masks We Wear. That reminded him of the mask he found so he took it out of his bag and stood out of his mirror.

Connor: Who knew sis had a shotgun, oh and just so you folks know, I have a bad case of fourth wall awareness, hahaha!!! Oh what's this, if it isn't Erma's wittle cousins, sup little lady's.

Mitsu: hey there mister, got the time?

Connor: as a matter of fact I do,*takes out clock* oh would you look at that it's 2 seconds before I honk your noes and dent a frying pan with your face.*does that*

Mitsu: aaaaahhhh! What the heck, Momo get this clown.

Momo: you got it si-, wait were di- eeek😖.

Connor: wedgie time.*pulls underwear over her head*

Momo: heeeey >\\\\<

Mitsu: don't worry sis I'll get him, well once I find him.


Connor: this is... incredible, with these powers I can be a... super hero, I can fight crime, protect the innocent, FIGHT FOR WORLD PEACE. But first let's see how much mischief Ermee's cousins can handle 😉

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