Coming Home

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Cold. Pure, total cold. It's what you felt falling asleep, it's what you woke up feeling, and it's what you're still feeling right now. It didn't bother you though. Well, less than what it usually did. You didn't care about it. In fact, you loved it. Missed it even. This nostalgic feeling of being home. You look around at the forest and surrounding mountains shining in the night form the snow and moonlight.

You even held your arms out a little when you felt the wind blow by you, only to instantly regret it by feeling even colder than before. You begrudgingly pulled your cloak back around you to help keep warm. Just because the cold didn't bother you, doesn't mean it doesn't have an affect on you.

After doing this, you heard your traveling companion and grandfather, Hendricks, laugh at what he just saw. You turn to look at him with a look that showed you were unamused, all while maintaining your steady walking pace. He was a fairly well-built guy for the old geezer that he was. 5'10" with a well-fit body that he was somehow able to keep in shape. Despite being an old man, he was quite strong as well. He also had a full beard that went about 4 inches from his chin and was completely bald on his head except for a ring of hair that barely passed the top of his ears down the back of his head.

He also had his sword at his side as well. One and a half handed long sword that was of a good length. He was able to wield it with one or two hands if he pleased and wield it quite well. On top of that, the craftsmanship was top quality. Nowhere else have you seen a better-looking sword that your grandfather's. Then again, the only other swords you've seen were the ones that city guards had, the ones on display at every basic town blacksmith, and the two swords you have on your back.

The first one was the same build as his, but nowhere near as nice. The second sword was a one-handed short sword without a hilt on it. Both hung on your back with both grips over your right shoulder. The shorter one was above the longer one, as it was easier to draw for the sharper angle.

"I'm gonna guess that you've missed it here, kid?" Your grandfather asks, still chuckling after his question.

"Seemed like a good idea at the time. I mean, we have been gone for almost the three years now. Also, you do realize I'm twenty-two now, right? I'm not a 'kid' anymore." You say, hugging your cloak for warmth.

"You do realize I'm almost 200, right?"

You open your mouth to respond but close it after a second, seeing that you have nothing to say to that. He laughs again a little harder at you being silent to that. It's still weird for you to think about. You've known your whole life that he wasn't a normal human, that he would always be the oldest one in the room. Even so, it was still weird to think about. A minute later, Hendricks remembers something that he forgot from before. "Hold on a second (Y/N)."

You stop walking and turn to face him. "Yes? What is it?"

"Before we get back to the house, there are a few things that I need you to do for me. As you've said, we've been gone for a long time. So, I need you to go into the city to get some things for the house."

You let your head hang a little and let out a small sigh. "Do I have to? You know how I feel about shopping. Is there anything else I can do?" You say with a hint of annoyance.

"Well, you could always help me clean the house, or do it yourself and I'll get th-"

"What do I need to get?" You quickly say.

Hendricks snickers at your response before handing you a list of items. It's not a small list, but it's not a large one either.

"After you get them, head to Tom's place. He should still have Martin and his cart. Tell him I sent you and he should help you out with getting everything back home, if it's too much for you to carry."

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