Dinner at the Castle

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The trip up the mountain is smooth and fast. Despite it being a while since you last took this route back home, you still remember which way to go. There were a few times that you had to think about it, but you were able to remember the correct paths to take. You would have been there sooner, but since you had a sled with you it was going to take longer. Still, the scenery was quite nice, so it wasn't all bad. Everyone just sat back and relaxed in the quiet of the moment, until Anna decided to break the silence.

"So, (Y/N), what's your grandfather like?"

You placed your index finger on your chin as you thought of a way to best describe him. You thought that it would be best to leave his past out of it, as you didn't know the full story and that would also bring up your own. So, you thought of describing him as he was when you two were in public.

"The best way for me to describe him is old and crotchety. He's like that classic old grandpa that everyone has: doesn't like going out, doesn't understand youths anymore, talking about 'back in my day' and the like. I'm convinced that his favorite word is 'no'."

"Sounds like a fun guy." Said Kristoff.

"Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy. He's a kind and patient man, he just goes about it different from what others are used to. He practically raised me."

"Sounds like you love him a lot," Elsa said.

You nod as you turn to look at her. "I do. He's the only family I have left. Anyway, just past this ridge and over the river and we'll be there."

It only took another 10 minutes before you were in front of your home. It was a modest cabin, nothing fancy. It was a single-story building with a stone chimney. You could see smoke coming out of it, so Hendricks must have still been inside cleaning up the house. Hopefully, it was presentable for guests, but you had faith in the old man.

You walk up to the door with Aether landing on your shoulder; Kristoff, Anna, and Elsa not far behind you. When you open the door, a bolt comes flying at your face. You catch it before it touches your nose, causing everyone to jump at the sudden projectile nearly killing you. You look back at everyone, chuckling a little and giving a goofy smile, trying to help ease the tension. You slowly open the door, hoping that gramps didn't set up anymore traps.

"Gramps, I'm back!"

"(Y/N)! You're home early! I didn't expect you till later this evening at the earliest! Did you get everything on the list?" You hear him shout from the other end of the house.

You quickly look around the front living room, searching for any other "surprises" that Hendricks might have left. Upon finding nothing you wave everyone in. Aether flies into the house to search farther into the house. Hendricks would ever set traps for him as he knew the wrath you'd bring if your little buddy got hurt.

"Kind of! But first, what's with the crossbow trap linked to the door?!" You shout, a hint of annoyance in your voice.

"I thought it would be a good idea to keep your skills sharp! Just because we're back home doesn't mean you get to slack off on your training!"

"That old fart," you think to yourself, "Well anyway, gramps, can you come into the living room?! I've brought guests with me!"

There's nothing but silence for the next few moments. The next sound you all hear is the quick rustling of feet and the crashing of objects. You also hear some glass breaking and an angry cat screaming. Imidieatly after, a bobcat comes running around the corner from where the study is and out the front door. Everyone backs up a little, giving the wild cat some space. 

"Well, there goes Freckles. Again."

As you all watch the cat leave, Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff look back to you confused. They didn't know what to think after seeing you almost get killed by a trap seet by your "grumpy" grandfather, but seeing another wild animal still wasn't one the list of things to expect. You then look back to the study to see Hendricks come around the same corner patting off the dust from his sleeves and chest. He looks at you as you walk towards him.

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