Party Crashers

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This was bad, VERY bad. Your mind was rushing and spinning with the same intensity of a river rapid with a thousand questions. Who are these guys? How'd they get in? Are there more of them inside the castle? How were you going to keep everyone safe? You didn't have time to think though, as the uninvited guests were now making their way to you. People were starting to panic, new guards included, which had some of them rush forward.

"No don't!" Elsa yelled, but it was too late.

They were already fighting the bandits and in seconds the difference in skill was clear, none of them stood a chance against them. Within moments of the fight beginning, it was over with every guard getting cut down and dead on the floor, most of them being fresh recruits, all save one. The last man alive was disarmed and on his knees, staring down the man you assumed was the leader of the group. They both were in the center of the group with three bandits lined up on either side, each with dead men at their own feet.

"You damn bastards, you won't get away with this!" He said, spitting blood as he spoke.

The man before him just loudly chuckled as he turned back to face his posse, only to spin back around and cut his head off in one swift and clean motion. Not once during any of this did he say a word, nor could you see his face due to the helmet that he wore.

Anna looked away as she buried herself into Kristoff's chest in a vain effort to stop a muffled scream from coming out while Elsa merely covered her mouth as tears streamed down her cheeks. She tried to hide her face into your shoulder while she was wrestling even more tears from erupting. At the same time, the room was becoming very cold.

"Guards, do not engage the enemy! Protect the people, protect the Queen!" You shouted as you slowly directed everyone away towards the back door.

The remaining guards that were left standing formed a meager wall between the intruders and the guests in a last-ditch effort to keep everyone safe. Most of them ran to the front to protect the guest while others ran to you, Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff. Upon first glance, however, you knew that these boys were in no shape for a fight.

They did their best to keep appear unafraid in the light of their friends' deaths, but their wide eyes, gaping mouths, and shaking hands betrayed their true feelings. The armored bandits knew they had the upper hand, walking forward so nonchalantly as if they were going for a drink at the local pub.

"Ladies and gentlemen, do not resist if you wish to live! We promise not to kill those who cooperate with our demands!" The one in the middle shouted.

These weren't normal bandits, these were professionals. These men have lived through real battles and knew how to kill a man quickly. They were more armed and armored than the guards here. All of them had sharp, well-maintained swords that didn't have any chips on the edge of the blade as well as some plate armor on their arms or legs but not their entire bodies. The only one that had full armor was the man in the center of them.

He was wearing full plate armor from head to toe and it was clearly very old. The armor was worn with scratches and dirt, but no dents or broken pieces. He had a large pauldron on his left shoulder and a fur cover on his right. Over his chest was a piece of black cloth with gold detailing on it that went under his belt and to his knees. On his back was a large kite shield that was the proper length but had a smaller width. It was about the same width as a large buckler, so you assumed that it was a custom piece.

His helmet a close helmet with eight vertical slits for him to see out of, but despite the bright setting, you couldn't see his face. It was as if it was being obscured in shadow that no amount of light could push away. Aside from that, he looked to be a knight of a fallen kingdom in his armor. That would explain his skill with the sword, but who were the men with him? Were they former knights as well? And why are they all here? Unfortunately, now wasn't the time for answers, you needed to keep everyone here safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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