The Ball

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This was it, the day of the ball. Four days had past and now you were heading over to the castle. The sun was about to rise and you were about to enter the town, just as you said you would. You wearing something that was a bit more comfortable than the last time you were here.

One thing that you noticed that also surprised you was how busy and lively the town was, even at this hour. There were people coming too and fro, carriages with rich and powerful people inside heading to the castle, and what looked to be a large party being set up in the town square. There were also a lot of young guards around too. Desh must have recruited more people for the guard, which must have been hard to do.

During the past few days, you heard of all the attacks made by the bandit crew in the mountains. During this time, many have fled here to Arendelle, losing their homes and their families. You know what that's like all too well, and helped set up a small refugee camp between your home and Arendelle. You asked Desh if there was anyone he could spare to send there to help keep them safe or train them to defend themselves. His response was that he could only send volunteers, as the camp wasn't an official town. Luckily, Bran and Markus were among the group of five who agreed to come. With their help, you were able to set up a small Corp to protect the people there, structured like the royal guards at the castle.

You came and checked on them every day, making sure that they had all that they needed to survive. Each day the camp became bigger and bigger until it was enough to be called a village, but with the help of you, the royal guards, and a little help from Anna, Kristoff, and Sven, the people there were able to live more at ease than when they first came.

You were about to reach the main gate for the bridge when you finished thinking about the past few days. You noticed that the guard working the gate was the same one you met on the night you had dinner with everyone at the castle. He waved at you when he noticed you coming.

"Ah (Y/N)! Good to see you! Here to meet the queen?"

"Hello Eliot, yes I am. First time being officially on duty."

"Ah, I heard about that, you lucky dog. You'll be working inside at the guard for the ball! Beats being out here in the cold, but at least we'll have some good booze for the party." Eliot said waving his clipboard around.

"You guys can drink on duty?"

"No, but we'll have the gates closed during the ball, and we won't be drinking too much."

"Ha! Famous last words."

Eliot jokingly laughed at you as you walked by him towards the castle. He was also among the five who came to help. During that time, you came to like and respect him. He wasn't as good of a fighter as Bran was, but he had a sharp keen eye and a strong knowledge of how to fight. This made him a perfect teacher for anyone as he could tell you exactly what you were doing wrong and what you needed fixing. Without him, training the civilian Corp would have been much harder.

The sun just began to rise over the water to your left as you walked over the bridge. The light was bouncing off the ocean and into the castle giving it a beautiful shine. You were accompanied by some staff that worked at the castle holding containers of different food all headed for the kitchen.

A few of the girls were giggling at you as you walked past them. There were some talking about you, remarking how attractive you were, others were daring each other to go talk to you. As you walked past some you nodded your head to them.

"Morning ladies."

That didn't help at all as some began to swoon at you while fanning themselves. You picked up your pace in hops to create some distance. If one was to faint, you didn't want to be blamed for it. Besides, they weren't your type anyway.

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