Morning Training

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Now this was something that you missed doing, running over the rooftop of the castle. You did this almost every night for almost 8 years, and you never forgot the patterns that the guards had. Even with you being gone for as long as you were, they're patrols still take the same routes at the same time. This made it easier for you to remember where to go.

Inside, you had no idea where you were, it was new and foreign. But out here, you were like a fish to water, perfectly in your element making no mistakes. Hide here, shimmy there. Wait a second or two then rush up the wall. The window you would meet Danger wasn't as far thanks to you already being inside the premises, but you wanted to wander around and relive old memories. Plus, it was fun to sneak through unseen without the risk of being thrown in jail.

There were a few spots that you couldn't use any more due to your adult size, but you came up with quick solutions on the spot. After about an hour of sneaking around, you decided that now was the time to make your way up the castle. It was a little funny to you though as you were right next to the wall overlooking the port, the same place where you'd usually start.

It was like you were a kid again, rushing as fast as you could to get to your meet up spot. You remembered how one night you and Danger were talking about clueless the guards were about you being there next to the window when the window sill gave out from under you. You were able to catch yourself as you dug your knife into the wall to keep yourself from falling, but you had to quickly leave after that.

The guards didn't know what to do with that when they heard a loud crash in the courtyard. It was pretty funny to you as you watched them rush around looking for an intruder, but you guess they gave up when they didn't find any signs of any. You didn't return for a few nights to let the heat die down a bit for you. Scary as it was, however, it was still a pleasant memory to you.

It took you maybe 3 minutes, tops, to reach your destination. After pulling yourself up the wall that would put you just over the window, you stopped just over the edge. You took a deep breath, composing yourself as you were actually about to meet your old friend for the first time ever.

Once your mind was collected and you were ready, you swung yourself over the edge and lowered yourself onto the window sill. It was larger than it was the first time you snuck in, but still a tight fit. When you came up the window, you stopped right at the edge as to not be seen. You then tapped on the window lightly, as to not make too much noise.

"Danger? You there? It's me, Shadow."

Silence. No response. Maybe she moved, maybe she was in another room. Or maybe she wasn't in the castle anymore. You tapped once more.

"Hello? Danger, you there?"

"Who's Danger?"

You stiffened up a bit when you heard this new voice. It wasn't that of Danger's, nor wasn't it one you recognized of any other castle staff. But it was way too innocent-sounding and childlike to be a guard's.

Curiosity taking over, you moved in front of the window and pulled one side open. Upon looking in, you saw something that baffles your mind. It was a snowman. A small, child-sized snowman. And it was looking at you.

"Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs! What's your name?"

You were at a loss for words. How was this snowman talking? Was it a magic spell that made him, like a golem? Or was it a curse and he was some poor child turned into a snowman? You just stayed there crouched in the window looking at this strange being in front of you.

"Wha...did you jus...How are you talking?"

"I used my voice? How are you talking?"

You let out a sigh at his response. That wasn't at all what you meant, but it was clear that Danger wasn't in here. You hopped into the room and closed the window behind you.

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