From Stranger to Guest

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Overlooking the port of Arendelle, a lone guard looks out onto the water. He lets out a yawn as he waits for someone else to take his position. Luckily, he doesn't have to wait long as another guard strolls up to him.

"Hey Larry, long night?"

"Yeah *yawn*, long night. I'm ready to hit the barracks. You here to take over?"

"Yeah, you go ahead and get some sleep. Besides, nothing ever happens here anyways, so I'm not expecting anything to happen."

As if chanced by fate, a loud splash is heard off into the water near shore. The two ready weapons and face to source of the sound.

"What was that? No way was that a fish."

"Did you see anything?"

"No, nothing."

The two just stood there silent, both too afraid to move. They looked at each other then back to the water. Finally, the first guard broke the silence.

"You go check it out."

"Me? You go! You were here first!"

"Are you kidding? I'm tired! If I go and it is something, my reactions would be too slow! You go!"

While the two bickered back and forth, a small shadow climbed up the wall and snuck past the two. Once out of sight and in the shadows of the courtyard once more, you pulled your hood back, letting out a quiet sigh of relief. You couldn't believe that worked so easily. After resting for a second, you pulled your hood back over and started to wander in the dark.

Despite it being as dark as it was, you didn't feel blind. You could see outlines of everything around you. Not the color, and the shape is somewhat muddled, but an image can always be made out. This always gave you the advantage in the dark, something that you always liked but could never answer as to why.

You make your way around the back of the castle and see a small stairway leading to a door not that far from the waterline. You think about going in, but decide not to as the risk of being found was higher inside than out. However, staying on the ground wasn't an option either, the only place left to go was up. You looked at the roofing of the castle, searching for a nice place to sleep or hide out the night. You saw one spot that looked nice, a dip between two towers that was shrouded in darkness, but it was past a few windows and you'd have to pass the wall again to reach it.

Finding no better option, you decided to take a chance on the dip, walking over to a wall covered in vines. You started to climb up, making sure that you were both silent and secure, not wanting to fall to your death.

Upon reaching the wall, you looked both ways. No one in sight, perfect! You rushed up over the edge and onto the ground, almost sprinting to the wall in front of you and scaling it in an instant. A good thing too, for once you were onto the roof above the guard walk, two guards started walking up from around the corner to where you were.

You were about to reach the spot when you started to hear something. You stopped moving and tried focusing on what it was. It was a person, that's for sure, but you couldn't tell who it was or what they were doing. You could tell where it was coming from though. Curious as to what was happening, you followed the sound.

You reached the edge of the roof and heard it coming from below you. You looked at the wall below and saw a window sill. It was wide enough to hold you, and it looked pretty sturdy. Just as a precaution, however, you pulled out your knives so that they could be used as anchors if needed.

Carefully lowering yourself down, you slid down the wall and onto the window sill. Tap. Perfectly landed with the quietest of noises that even you barely noticed. But now you could clearly hear what it was you were hearing earlier.

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