To the Castle

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You open your eyes and see that you are no longer in the woods. You're in a room of some kind, still in bed. Confused as to where you are, you get out of the bed to look around. As you do so, you notice that everything is much bigger than it should be. You look down at your body and see that you're in sleepwear, not your armor. But that's not all, it's a child's body. You then hear the voice of a woman calling your name right out from behind a door.

"(Y/N)! Time to wake up!"

You instantly look to your door, your eyes filling up and on the verge of tears.


You slowly make your way to your door, hesitantly reaching for it. Once the nob is in your grasp, you twist it and slowly pull the door towards you. In that instant when the door opens, you know exactly where you are. It's been years since you were here last, but you could never forget this place.

"I'm home," you say, quietly and with some much joy that your voice quakes.

You look out the window and see the great green valley before you, filled with the stray building here and there. And at the end of the valley, you see the great merchant city of Ordchester, a city so big that it spreads into the great ocean before it. You hear your mother downstairs with plates, and with something else that just smells amazing. You rush downstairs to see her and what she has. When you see her, everything seems to stop. You can't believe what you're seeing. It's your mother, and she's right in front of you. She's prepping the table for the two of you to eat. When she finishes and looks up to see you, she smiles and laughs see you in your pajamas.

"What are you doing in your pajamas still?" she asks ever so sweetly.

You start crying right there. It's your mother. ALIVE! And she's laughing in front of you! You rush over to her and start hugging her tightly, still crying the entire time. She returns the hug and starts petting your head to calm you down.

"Hey, what's wrong? Did you hurt yourself getting out of bed again?"

"MOM! IT'S YOU! IT'S REALLY YOU! YOU'RE OK!" you say, sobbing the entire time.

She continues petting your head, trying to get you to relax. Between this and the hug, you slowly stop crying and begin to be at peace once more.

"Of course I'm ok. Why wouldn't I be? You know that I'll always be here for you."

As she says this, she kneels to face you, keeping her hands on your shoulders. You chuckle a bit, wiping the last of your tears away from your eyes. You both just stare at one another for a moment, not saying a word. Then suddenly, she bursts into flame and burns away, leaving nothing but ash. You recoil at this in fear.


You drop down to her remains, but a hot wind blows them away. You hear a great roar from overhead. You try shielding your ears form the sound, but it doesn't help. When the roar ends, the entire building begins to shake as a large shadow of some great beast flies over you and the house. After that, the building starts to catch fire And the room you are in starts to fill with smoke. Not wanting to die of suffocation, you run to your front door. When you burst out of it, you're an adult again, dressed in black and gold armor that you don't recognize. It looks like the armor you have, but lighter and it has a symbol on it: a sun and moon overlapping each other.

You look out onto the city, only to see it being sacked and left in ruins. Great pillars of smoke rise into the air, the sky stained with red as if it were bleeding, and all around you hear nothing but the screams of innocent people being slaughtered and burned alive by the raging fire. You look on in horror at what you at the sight. Fear starts to take hold as you slowly back away from your house and the burning city below.

The Snow Queen and Eclipse Child (Elsa x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora