Take It Back

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"In the end, like so many beautiful promises in our lives, the dinner date never came to be"-Murakami.

6:30 was approaching and Toni was prancing around her room like a little girl, trying to find the right dress. She picked out a pearl-white silk dress that hugs her sweet curves. "Perfect Tone", Towanda said as she when into her closet to find some shoes. She picks out some pink velvet mid-thigh boot that matches her clutch.

She had her hair flowed back. "So, what this meeting about tone?", Towanda said with a smirk as she fixes Toni's heart necklace. "We just talking something out, taking it back to the old times." Time was approaching and Toni didn't want to be late, Towanda helps her with her coat and walked Toni to her car like a mother sending a girl off the prom. "I'll be here, Toni be safe".

Toni arrives at Mr.Chow restaurant. It was an elegant establishment. There were two-seat reserves under the name Mr.Edmonds. Toni was first to arrive but didn't mind that. 25 minutes pass and She sent a quick text to ensure they were still on, but Kenny wasn't replying. She began to worry and before she knew it, she was on her last glass of wine. "Where is this man". Eyes around started to stare, the waiter was very much wanted their tip, and Kenny was nowhere to be found.

Hours had pass

Toni just got her coat and shades and left, she called her Uber and was gone in seconds. The memories of being lonely, having no one care and having her feeling dismiss from a person she promises to never trust again were disappointing. She thought she had Kenny figure out but apparently he was a lie. He left her again...

Toni stubbed into her house, throwing her purse up on the couch and kick off her boots. She pours some almond milk to comfort her stomach pain, which was from the wine. She sits and thinks of the set back of this whole friendship, relationship, partnership, lovers of whatever this mess is. He keeps breaking promises but always comes back and repair them. 

Is this toxic?

It was 4:00 am in the morning, Toni crashes upon her couch watching  Law and Order. She was snug up to nothing but leather, which was the couch. It was cold and dreadful. She didn't even take off her clothes from the date, that she had with herself. It was one of them days were a woman wanted to be alone.

There was a knock at the door. 

The tv was very much loud and the knock at the door was outheard, but the knocks became louder and louder until it was pretty much banging. Toni woke up confused and wonders who banging on her door at 4 am but thought maybe Towanda left something.  Toni walked to the door dazed, still a little buzz from the bottle of wine she drunk. She opens the door and it was the man she hated to see.

Kenny stood there, look so seduce into something, something that was in Toni. "Why you here", Toni said as she leans her head upon the door. Kenny finally spoke but Toni completely interrupted. "I don't have time to speak to you or see you, I'm busy" Kenny chuckled and step into her doorway, invading her. Stoping her in the middle of her sentence. Only Kenny Edmonds had that control over the one and only Toni Braxton.

"Can you back up", Toni raise her hand, just to get caught by Kenny. "I forgot Toni", Toni steps back trying not to be touch. "I completely forgot about our date", Kenny pleaded. Toni yack her arm away and walked to the kitchen pouring herself another glass of wine, leave Kenny and the door, open.  Kenny closes the door behind him, leaving his coat and shoes by the door. Toni went on and on about inconsiderate Kenny was, having her wait in that restaurant by herself looking desperate and stupid. 

"And all those white people watching at me-", Kenny muted her instantly and attack her lips, rushing her against the wall. He invaded into her personal space and clouded it with his. She tasted like the red wine that she was sipping on. Toni got sucked up into the emotion, her mind was telling her one thing but her body was exploring another. This was rough sex. nothing passionate about this encounter, mad sex was it.

He put her up, and place like upon the counter like the plate he was ready to eat. Seducing her neck with Tender Kisses. Sucking over and over again until she had hickeys on her neck. Toni mind was in a gazed and knew it was completely wrong, and the promise of them never touching again was simply broke. Promises were always broken between, but the tender touch was untamable.

Toni is a please teased and touch and groped onto Kenny. "Shit". They both spoke at the same time. Kenny was different this moment, he was rough and took control of everything, and that the way Toni like it. "Mmhh" was Toni only response to sexual pleasure. "I need you to take me, take me to ecstasy." That's the only words that Kenny needed to hear. This was different Kenny, so different to where Toni questioned. 

Should we even Take It Back?

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