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You were just going to be released from the hospital when a nurse asked you what you wanted to name your baby. You decided it would be a good idea if Dave picked the name. "Kiroh" said Dave. Kiroh was the name you kept on talking about when you where 3 months pregnant.
"Dave" "yes?" "We should start thinking of names" you said. "If it's a girl I'll decide and if it's a boy you'll decide... Personally I think Kiroh would be a really good name for our baby if it's a boy or a girl." You said. Kiroh was your fathers name. Your father was a really good man that always went to gay prides and spoke out about gay rights. "Kiroh isn't a really cool name. If it's a boy he should have something more ironic for a name..." Said Dave "great we found the name..." You said "wha-" "well just name our baby Cool Ironic Kid." You said sarcastically. "Well it's better than Kiroh at least." Said Dave.
You giggled and thought in your head 'I thought Dave said that the name Kiroh wasn't ironic enough for his son or daughter.' He just smiled at you. "You chose Kiroh to make me happy didn't you?" You said "the name suits him and I think the fact that his dad is a cool kid makes him really cool." You just rolled your eyes. You walked into the back seat of Dirks car. You buckled Kiroh in and sat beside him. Dave sat In the front seat beside his bro. Once you opened the door to your house you heard "WELCOME HOME!!!" You were shocked. You saw John, Desirae, Rose, Jade, Roxy, Jane and Jake. They had thrown a welcome home party. John walked up to you and looked at Kiroh "wanna hold him?" You asked John "yeah" said John. You handed John your new baby boy and John just stared at him. He looked really nervous. "W-what's his name?" Asked John "Kiroh" you responded. "Cool name" "yeah" Dave watched closely as John held the baby, it almost seemed as if Dave didn't trust John with babies. "I have some bad news about Kiroh though." You said "he has bone cancer" you could just see Johns heart break just by looking into his eyes. He started crying and held Kiroh closer to him.

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