i take a look up at the sky and i see

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"hail mary please forgive me"
school grounds
8:47 p.m.

eric son opened the door going in first, jacob then younghoon following. "why are you guys all in the school?" jacob asked. not giving a care in the world to the closed door behind them. "it doesn't matter. yongbok do it." changmin sighed. "hey jaehyun. me and some friends are locked in the school can you come get us?" yongbok asked his hands shaking as he held the phone. "yeah of course bokkie, minho and i will be there soon." jaehyun responded hanging up. "it's done. let's have faith in jaehyun cause overwise we are not getting out of here til' monday." yongbok said.

"while we're waiting why don't we get to know eachother?" kevin suggested. "i mean it couldn't hurt anything.." jacob said sitting down nest to the boy. the 17 boys were soon sitting in a circle. "what about we introduce ourselves and what stereotype we think we are? i don't know." kevin laughed. "that sounds good! i'll go first." chanhee said smiling. "i'm choi chanhee, the sweet." he introduced. "i'm ji changmin, the sour." he scoffed looking to the boy next to him. "i'm ju haknyeon, the clumsy." he introduced. "i'm eric son, the baby" he smiled excitedly. i'm bang chan, the proud." he smiled looking to the boy next to him. "i'm seo changbin, the honest." changbin lied straight through his teeth. "i'm hwang hyunjin, the real" he smiled confused by his own words. "han jisung, the crazy." he introduced biting his lip. "lee felix yongbok, the boring." he said in a montone voice. his face showing no emotion. "kim seungmin, the player." he said not even denying it. " yang jeongin, the smart." he said not looking up from his book. "lee sangyeon, the chill" he smiled. "jacob bae, the nice." he said his eyes filled with fear. "kim younghoon, the unknown." he smiled looking at the ceiling. "lee juuyeon, the hated." he mumbled. "kevin moon, the loved." he finished. the door opened and lee minho and lee jaehyn walked in. "the door!!!" every one yelled, but it was too late. the door shut. "lee minho, the jokester." he forced a smile sitting down next to them. "lee jaehyun, the mean." he stated.

school grounds
9:15 p.m.

"so what do we do now that we're stuck in school over the weekend?" kevin asked. "why don't we get to know each other? we're going to be stuck with each other for the next seventy-two hours." eric offered, "that sound like a good idea~" chanhee smiled. "well why don't we figure out the age order?" chan suggested. " i am a senior. aren't you a senior too sangyeon?" he asked looking over to sangyeon. "yeah i am." sangyeon said. "younghoon, jacob, and i are seniors too." jaehyun commented.

"sangyeon-hyung is the oldest, he was born in a different year than us but because his birthday is in november he's in the same year as us." younghoon explained. "it actually goes, sangyeon-hyung, jacob-hyung, younghoon-hyung, jaehyun-hyung, juyeon-hyung, kevin-hyung, chanhee-hyung, minho-hyung, changmin-hyung, haknyeon-hyung, changbin-hyung, hyunjin-hyung, jisung-ah, me, seungmin, eric, jeongin." yongbok said fiddling with his cross earring, "how the hell do you know that?" jaehyun asked sounding rude. "i just now all your birthdays jae-hyung." yongbok smirked. "that's kinda cool..." changbin said. "i know." yongbok said smirking once again. "why do you call jisung just jisung is he's older than you?" changmin asked. "his birthday is september fourteenth of the same year as me and mine is september fifthteenth of that year so i refuse to call him hyung." he explained.

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