(6) disappearance

377 6 8

Today's chapter's tune: Married Life - Michael Giacchino


       "Hey, who ate all of the sea prunes?" Sokka came storming out of the kitchen with a reddened face, causing Bumi to choke on his chopsticks and hide his face behind the bowl he was holding.

"Oh." He tightened his grip around his serving and slowly hid it behind his back. "Did you want some?"

"Bumi!" Sokka hissed, making Katara roll her eyes back as she shuffled the deck of index cards in her hands. "I barely get to eat watertribe food anymore!"

"Sokka, calm down! Your job is in the South Pole, you're always there!" Katara argued as she defended her son.

"But, no one can cook them as good as you." He mumbled in return and let himself drop into the sofa as if he were a child.

"Fine, i'll make some more when we finish the game." Katara sighed in defeat, then leaned into her husband.

"No, it's fine." Sokka rubbed his eyes, then clapped his hands together. "Okay, whose turn is it?"

"We're just waiting for Bumi to finish his food." I reminded, watching him practically devour a spoonful of rice.

"No, i'm done." He corrected while placing his now empty bowl on the table in front of him.

"It's my turn." Kya foretold, then stood up and walked into the 'chairman circle', which is apparently what they called that certain spot in the living room whenever someone hosted game night.

"Here you go." Katara leaned forward and spreaded out the index cards while flipping them over, in order to keep the next challenge a mystery. Kya picked one from the middle, then giggled as she read what was on the paper.

"Oh, a funny one?" Sokka leaned back into the pillow on the couch and slid his arms underneath it, in order to give him better head support. "This should be good."

Kya's expression straightened up, then she began to make faces as if she were disgusted by something, then started patting on her belly while waddling like a penguin.

"Well, that's obvious." Lin immediately stated. "It's Sokka."

Kya quickly shook her head, revealing that Lin was incorrect.

"Then, it's Bumi." Tenzin pointed out while Kya gave him a thumbs up, making everyone in the room snicker at the impersonation.

"Really?" Bumi huffed and crossed his arms. "Why is it always me? And, i'm not even like that!"

"Then, how did Tenzin instantly recognize the act?" Toph teased her nephew. "You and Sokka are actually a lot a like."

"I don't... i don't even walk like that!" Sokka suddenly erupted, just now realizing that Lin thought it was him at first.

"Okay, settle down." Aang waved his arms up, then gestured his hand towards Tenzin. "Good job, son. It's your turn."

Just as the airbender was about to stand up, a White Lotus guard entered the room and cleared his throat.

"Fire Lord Zuko and Lady Motoko have arrived." He announced, shocking me as i watched my parents trail into Sokka and Toph's living room while everyone else cheered.

"What are you guys doing here?" I jumped out of my seat and questioned them as everyone else greeted them with excited reactions.

"Did you really think we would miss game night?" Dad chuckled as he approached Sokka and shook his hand while mom immediately sat in between Toph and Katara and gave them each a side hug.

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