Chapt. 2 ~ Lil Big Town

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(Y/n) (L/n)'s Perspective
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Getting off the train, I wave a goodbye to the conductor. He gave me a wink through his peepers, while I got off. I just pretended not to see it so I don't lead him on.

I grasp the strap of my bag, a sense of adventure running through me. The place ain't open till 7, an' I like to wake up pretty early. So it's about 6:47. Might as well take a gander round town.

Walkin' round the place, I see small markets on the streets, sellin' things like apples and cheap fake jewelry. Y'know, the regular. I was pretty hungry, so I figured I'd get myself a snack. I went to a stand and examined their food options.

Fishing some cash from my bag, I pick out an apple and wave the man over.

"Ya lost, lil lady?" The big man asked, leaning over the counter. A bit of a jollock he is, but I ain't judging.

"No sir, I'm finna buy one of these apples you're sellin' here." I gave him a polite smile.

"2 bucks." He demanded, I was taken aback, that much for an apple.

"Pardon?" I said, confused as his sign said .25¢.

"You heard me. Or you can get it for a trade of that chassis of yours." He said, clearly on the make. I cringed and just walk away. Unsatisfied hunger, but glad I didn't have to play to his desires. That goop flapdoodle!

In my little fit of rage I had managed to bump into someone. I stumble a little, my silly foozler self has gone and done it again.

"Ah. My apologies sir." I say, my eyes shined when I connected eyes with the individual in front of me. He was an attractive fellow with hazel eyes and brown locks of hair that was swept right above his peepers.

"Not an issue lil darling! Accidents happen! I really should've been watching where I was going!" He exclaimed, making me smile, not even to be polite. He gave me a friendly grinning before disappearing into the crowd.

After snapping out of my lil dream land, I realized something. His voice sounded awfully familiar... like I've heard it somewhere. Hm. Well, anyhow! I should head toward that diner! Heck, they could open early!

Excuse me mystery man, hello new job!

~ • ~

"Pardon me, but I heard from a lil bird y'all folks were hiring." I explain myself to the nice lady at the counter. She was a pretty lookin gal. Brown hair, small gap between her teeth and what I'm assuming is the uniform.

"Well you've heard right hun!" She turned toward the back. "Uncle Sean! You've got a new waitress for hire!" She then turned back to me and winked. "Don't worry hun, you'll do great here."

I smiled at her and a short big guy enters from the back. He wore a nice suit, like he was just a wealthy man stoppin by. His hair was combed back nicely and his mustache had grown in thick. He looked at the lady and then me.

"Ah! Welcome! I am the owner of this diner, Mr. Brown, but you can call me Sean. We've needed a new waitress since our last waiter resigned. Welcome to the family, Ms...?"

"(Y/n) (L/n), but please call me whatever you wish." I nod my head to him, he smiled at me.

"You've done costumer service before Ms. (L/n)?" He asked, with a nice smile.

"Yes sir."

"Great! You'll do wonderfully! Work to your best ability. I'll have you in t'morrow! Opening to close! How's that sound?" He asked, smiling at me. I nod.

"That's wonderful sir, can't wait to work with you!" We exchange a nod before he went back to the back, then soon left, telling the lady who worked the counter he had business and would see her later.

"So you new in town hun?" She asked, sitting me at a table, after telling me she'll get me whatever, since I said I hadn't eaten that day.

"Yeah. I moved outta my parents place to have some independence." She nods at me, understanding.

"Well what can I get ya?"

I order and we talk, bout just everything and anything. Though, I ate quick, I still had to meet my brother. I pay and bid her adieu as I exit the diner.

~ • ~

"I cannot express how grateful I am for your help Rick!" I exclaim, as he set the box down on my table.

"It's not a problem lil sister. Just make sure you're safe." He said and gave me a hug. I hug him back.

"Don't worry! I'll be fine!"

I hung out with my brother for a while before he left. After he left I had headed back into town to grab some necessities. Though this was a small town, it felt rather large.

I got a bit lost and only found my way back to the train from following signs every which way till I found the station again. I sigh and feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey doll! Didn't think you'd be in town this late." A familiar voice said. I turn and see it was the man from this mornin' that had sat next to me.

"Oh! I just had some shopping to do!" I ended up talking to him as well. He had a bad aura to him, but I talked anyway. I didn't really want to talk to him, but it seemed to please him enough, as he didn't follow me off the train like he was close to doing.

I sigh in relief when my door was closed. I thought about the excitement of today. I couldn't wait to have a job again. Couldn't wait to make friends, and can't wait to become independent.

This was my mission.

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