(2) Chapt. 3 ~ Dream or Nightmare?

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Third Person Perspective
~ • ~

"My dear, you're just as beautiful as before~!" A cheery voice echoed throughout my mind. I couldn't see anything, I could only hear. My throat felt dry and I couldn't move.

"P-Pardon?" I barely manage out, my voice echoing, though not as much as the oddly familiar voice.

~ • ~

This dream was bothering her; was there a spirit in her house that had mistaken her for someone else? (Y/n) shook her head, feeling confused. Her hair was a mess and her eye lids felt heavy.

It was 3 am, after all, she didn't sleep very well. She brushed it off as nerves though and went to the kitchen for a quick drink and some sleeping pills.

(Y/n)'s eyes wandered through the kitchen, searching for nothing. Her eyes went over the fridge, the oven, the sink, the figure, the dishwasher—

"Huh?!" (Y/n) snapped her head back to look at where she had seen the figure standing. No one was there. She shook her head, brushing it off as nerves or hallucinations: she just needed to sleep. Then her stomach growled. 'Some food wouldn't hurt...'

"Midnight snack? Spill the tea– actually. Tea sounds good right now." Willow announces, making her presence known before traveling to the stove and beginning to make some tea. "So what's gotten your panties in a twist?"

"Huh? Oh... nothing I'm just hungry." (Y/n) replied groggily, making her way to the pantry. She wasn't really hungry but she didn't feel like talking about her nightmare.

"I really have to thank you, (Y/n). I never thought I'd be here and I probably wouldn't without you." Willow said, her voice like sugar. (Y/n) returned her smile.

"Does that mean you don't like the house~?" (Y/n) joked, earning an eye roll from the woman. "Anyway, I'm just gonna head back to bed. Lots to do tomorrow. Goodnight."


~ • ~

"I tell you what darlin, he's lovely, but he's been acting a lil strange." A female voice echoed through my head. This dream felt oddly real. In the reflection of a coffee I saw my face.

I was frowning, clearly upset by those words. Why and who she was speaking of I haven't the slightest clue. That's when I heard my voice.

"But I love him. My mother said to always look past a man's faults... that it doesn't define the way he loves you."

~ • ~

"Turn to page 327. Your next project will be based around this technique. The details and requirements are on the sheet that will now be handing out to you." The professor explained as the lecture was practically over.

(Y/n) was more than ready to go home and help out before work, but she also felt conflicted. Perhaps it was just the first move chills of sleeping in a new bed, but it was too strange.

A part of her wanted to avoid home: go to the library instead. But she did promise Willow... and (Y/n) would never break a promise. After a few more minutes of contemplating, she sighed and drove home.

"Welcome back, (Y/n)! I have work in a couple hours, so I was thinking we could spend that time painting the house." Willow called from the hallway, looking at their sketches and transferring the paint cans.

"Works for me!" She called back, getting the painting trays and rollers, as well as the paint paper and tape.

Maybe an hour later, two walls were completed. The next hour was the third and fourth. (Y/n) ended up painting the wall alone and in quite the hurry.

In her mind, the voice was humming: and though it brought comfort, it also brought fear. She felt like she was going insane, but she refused to submit to the insanity. As soon as she was done painting, she washed the roller as quickly as possible, then left for the library.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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