Chapt. 3 ~ First Day On The Job

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(Y/n) (L/n)'s Perspective
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This mornin' had been absolutely perfect! I felt refreshed and ready to take on the world. I dolled myself up a bit, using my mental image of the uniform I saw that one darlin' wearin', then put on something casual.

I trot over to the train, barely catching the thing before taking a seat which was kindly offered to me by a young boy. I thanked the young gent and rested my hands on my lap. This mornin there was quite a church bell.

She couldn't stop talking for even a minute, how she was still breathin' I didn't even know. It was a little annoying because of how loud she was talkin', but it honestly didn't bother me as much as I had let on. She had every right to speak, as much right as anybody.

When the town entered my view, I felt my heard pound excitedly in my chassis. A smile told hold on my lips as I stared out the window. There was no better feeling than being free, you can fight me on that.

The wheels of the train gave a rusty ol' squeak as it stopped. Me and a couple other rose from their seats and exited the train. I approach the little shops. I had a little while again before the diner opened.

I decided to give another knock at buying breakfast out in the shopping stands. Arriving at run, I saw it was ran by a sweet old lady and her worn down husband. They had baked goods and the delectable scent of apple pie.

Some grifter was trying to take advantage of these ol' folks. He claimed he was poor, and had clearly smeared some dirt on himself and his suit jacket to trick the old eyes of the elderly. Seeing by his diamond ring and the cuffs on his sleeves, he was a rich man, just a meater who was too scared to try and scam the bigger guys.

"Excuse me, my good fellow!" A cheerful voice called to the man. My eyes shined as I recognized this man. It was the attractive brunette I had bumped into only yesterday. "I would appreciate it if you'd stop trying to scam these poor elders. If you'd stop then everything with be jake and you can pay the same way as everybody else!"

The sour rich man grumbled as the familiar male and ruined his failed attempt at stealing from these people. The man then continued to talk to the elders, talking about buying a fine ol' slice of cherry pie. I gather my courage and approach the man. He noticed me automatically.

"Can I help you my dear?" He asked, adjusting his stance as he leaned against his walking stick that he obviously didn't need. I smile at him and give him another good look.

Clean suit, brown fluffy hair, brown hazel eyes like pools of melted chocolate, smooth tanned skin, a monocle and a bright smile that could make the sun hide in shame for not being as bright. My gaze fixated on his eyes as I adjust my stance and swallow, to avoid a voice crack from a dry throat.

"That was very heroic of you." I compliment in a soft voice, my hands curled into one another as I internally swoon.

"Oh my dear! It was just a good deed. Remember it and try to spread the positivity!" He exclaimed with a short chuckle that made me smile. I nodded.

"I will definitely keep that in mind, Mr...?" I hummed, hoping to get his name. Something I can remember when I see someone or myself upset, or when I need to spread the positivity. Just think his name and the world will brighten, even in the darkest moments when the sun is shunned away from our eyes.

"Alastor. Pleasure meeting you my dear. And your name might be?" He asked with a hum. My heart leapt in my chest. Such a wonderful name, my mind was chanting it over and over again.

"Al— (Y/n). S-Sorry... my name is (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." I bow my head to him then our eyes make contact again. He placed his warm, yet gloved, hand in mine and gave it a firm, yet gentle, shake.

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