Chapt. 4 ~ The Voice On The Radio

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(Y/n) (L/n)'s Perspective
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Making dinner that night, I seemed to lose my appetite the more I think about the headline. The paper rested lazily on my table. It's bold letters taunting me whenever I glanced over.

It was silly of me to be so frightened, considering it was on the other side of this town, not even close to my neighborhood. Maybe it was just some rivalry that got taken too far, or revenge. But... they didn't find a body, just blood.

A shiver ran up my spine. I turn on the radio to hear the play backs from this morning. It was a little late in the day, so I've missed the morning announcements, but I didn't mind. Just as my mind started to slip away from the unwanted topic. A voice that sounded familiar started speaking.

"The devil of New Orleans strikes again! With the untimely death of the town's richest man, Richard Duke. His wife and children are left distraught, though with great wealth. Burial dates have yet to be discussed! Rumor has it there wasn't a body found. Just a severed finger."

My body jolted suddenly. I covered my mouth and felt myself gag. I grasp at my stomach and rush to the toilet, vomiting into it. I grasp my head due to the painful imagery of the scene. 

Thankfully, Jazz was next to take over the station. My body felt relieved. I flush the vomit away and went back to my soup. Hopefully it will relieve the acidic taste in my mouth.

I took a sip of some water and finish cooking the soup. I brush the newspaper off my table, the bold letters landed flat on the floor, no longer in my vision. I set my bowl with a spoon, then take my seat and begin to eat.

My elbows began to ache and I smile. My eyes beginning to water as fear crept back into me.

'Mother always said no elbows on the table.' I remove my elbows and rub them gently. My eyes then began to water. 'I want to go home... home is safe...'

I take in a shaky breath. I tell myself that I'm just being dramatic. If I went home now, my father wouldn't let me leave again. This is my only chance to be as independent as I possibly can.

I straighten my back and take a deep breath then continue to eat. I need to stay calm. That's all.

After I eat, I cleaned up and got ready for bed. I changed into a nice nightdress my mother had bought me for my birthday last year and checked all my locks. Once I was sure and felt safe, I laid in bed.

I let the radio play in my room, calming music filling the room. I kept the volume low just for background noise. My mind went dark as I fell asleep. I felt relaxed and relieved once I escaped into my dream world.

~ • ~

Waking up the next day, the first thing I did was turn on the radio. A jazz song was just finishing before the cheery voice of the station came on.

"Gooooooood morning New Orleans! A beautiful morning indeed! I'm here to remind you all to stay safe with the devil of New Orleans on the loose! Police are already investigating. Anyway—"

The voice then continued to ramble onto other things. My fear returned to me as I put my hair up. I understood why they put that in, but it was only ruining my morning. I couldn't do anything about it though, so I can only ignore it and try to stay safe.

I try to change my internal thought to how the voice on the radio sounded so familiar. Though, that was quick to leave as I felt excited for work again. Independence was wonderful when you can get it!

I apply some makeup and then pick out my outfit. I stuck with a simple dress, seeing as I'd just change when I arrived to work.

Once I was ready, I left my house. As usual, I left early. Now I could go back to that lovely place that elderly couple sold baked goods at. This time, I'll pay for myself though.

Sitting on the train, I felt my cheeks heat as I thought back to the kind man I had met. What did he say his name was again... Alastor!

My heart felt as if it skipped a beat. That man was such a doll... while I'm just some goop!

Though, he didn't seem to be upset with me or have a problem. In fact, he seemed pretty happy about being around me... though that could be wishful thinking.

Ugh... what am I thinking?! Everything is jake! With or without him!

The train came to a halt with a slight jerk and I exited the train cart, feeling quite light on my feet. I managed to get past a few groups of people before I arrived to the street markets. I walk around, searching for the nice dessert stand.

When I arrived, the radio was playing. I enjoyed the soft music as I spoke to the elderly people of the stand.

"Where's the nice gentleman you were with yesterday?" The sweet old lady croaked. I smiled at her and scanned over to menu, wondering if I wanted to spoil myself or not. Possibly get something orchid just for the fun of it.

"Oh... I'm not with him. I don't even know him. But he seems quite jake." I answer, looking back at her when talking.

"Oh, well he's the radio host of this channel in fact. He seems like a happy fellow, even trying to make things less bleak with that murderer running around." The second she brought that up, my skeleton shuddered within my flesh. I just nodded at that before placing my order.

"I didn't know he was the radio host. I thought the voice sounded familiar, but I'd never connect the two." I reply, soon finding something I'd like. "May I get the (f/dessert)?"

"Of course." The older woman replied as she looks for it. "He comes here often. Says our pies reminds him of his mother's. He seems like quite the adoring man. He seemed delighted to speak to ya. Maybe you two could get on the make.~" She chirped, handing me my order. I received it with a dark blush. Even though I was flustered, I thanked the woman and walked off.

After debating if I still had my appetite, I began to eat my dessert breakfast. I wondered if there was a chance that Alastor liked me. It would sure be interesting... considering that now someone else thinks so.

Though it's strange. I'd need to get to know the fella, but he seems nice. Maybe I'll get to see him again!

Ugh... get your head out of the gutter! I scold myself. I can't be getting all love sick over some random guy! Just calm down (Y/n)... you don't want to become some trophy wife.

Taking a deep breath, I soon trash my paper dish and head off to work. My face flushed darkly when I bumped into the one and only Alastor himself.

"I-I'm Sorry...!" I stuttered, mentally cursing myself. He just chuckled and helped me up. I felt even more embarrassed realizing I fell.

"It's alright doll! I wasn't paying attention. Shame on me, eh?" He said in a playful voice, which made me smile.

"I-I wasn't really paying attention either... I'm just trying to get to work." I reply softly. He smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Well how bout I take you? As an apology." He said, I hesitated, but agreed. Just enjoying his cheerful presence, which really helped brighten my mood. Everything felt jake...

We soon arrived and he removed me from his grasp. I smiled and thanked him.

"Not a problem, doll! I'll see you tonight. Stay safe!" He said before leaving. I felt my face blush again and I entered the restaurant.

"Was that your lover~?" Charlotte asked, a purr in her voice. I blushed darker and tshed.

"N-no, he's not."


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