New Girl

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Katie Dempsey

Ever since my mom passed away, I have been living with my dad ever since my mom died. We didn't have much so my dad would work multiple jobs in order to put a roof over my head and to also put me through school which I dislike because I feel that it's honestly a waste of time and money.

But today is my first day of school in Richmond High so I dragged my ass out of bed and got ready for school and after I'm done washing up, I went right back onto my bed and dozed off again because I was up all night working on new designs for my online store. Of course my dad never knew that I design and sell clothes online to make a living for myself and that I have been secretly sneaking some of the money that I made into my dad's wallet because he was never supportive of me being an actual designer because all he wants is for me to focus on my studies.

Shawn Mendes

After spending the summer break going on tour, it was back to reality and also the boring life of schooling. I had to juggle schooling while touring the world and doing shows. As soon as I got out of my Range Rover, I got mobbed by everyone else in school... which was one of the reason why I hated going back to high school.

After spending 2 hours of just snapping pictures and making my way through the halls, I finally got to my locker. I quickly grabbed my books and headed straight for first period. The first period was math. I hated math a lot. After 20 minutes through the lessons, I was already bored and so I got the restroom pass from the professor and made an excuse to use the restroom in order to escape.

Katie Dempsey

It was my first day and I had already missed first period trying to figure out the combinations to my locker since it's my first day attending as a student at Richmond high, the school is so huge and I feel so overwhelming I wasn't used to being in the new school as I had left all my friends behind in Las Vegas. My dad is my only kin ever since my mom left, the thought of her led me to break down in front of the stupid locker that wouldn't open...

"Hey!! That's my locker!!" I heard someone yelling at me and so I quickly wiped my tears away and looked up to see who was yelling at me, only to realized that Shawn Peter Raul Mendes was actually talking to me!! I was on the verge of screaming in excitement but I didn't. "Hi..." I replied. I could tell that he was a little annoyed and mad that I tried opening his locker and so I kept quiet.

Shawn Mendes

Sorry to scare you, I just panicked every time someone gets close to my locker because I have stalkers here who would do anything to get their hands on my stuff to sell online for money and stuff.

"Do you have the locker number and combination?" I asked her and she handed me a piece of paper with the information of her locker on it.

"Oh, yeah yours is next to mine." I told her before helping her with her locker. I had totally forgotten about math period and by the time the professor came to look for me, it was already too late as he caught me hanging out with the new girl.

Professor Lynch

"Shawn!! What are you doing loitering around the school halls?!!" I glared and questioned him because it has been 10 minutes since he asked me to use the restroom. "Oh he was just helping me with my locker and figuring my schedule out... sorry professor, does he have classes right now?" Katie replied.

I looked at Katie and asked for her name just for confirmation since I was told that there would be a new student in my class. "Yes. You have first period with me. Come with me you two!"

As soon as I brought Katie into my class, I got Katie to give a short introduction before resuming in my lesson. I was pretty mad at Shawn but I could understand that he was trying to help Katie and so I decided to let it slide instead of giving him detention...

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