Figuring It Out

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Katie Dempsey

Shawn and I had managed to mend our relationship and he's the most excited to when I give birth... I never expected him to be as excited as I am... I could barely walk and move around because it turned out that Shawn and I were having twins and that the due date is near... worst fucking news ever. Because it would be harder for me to lose weight because I was already huge and I'm already insecure about my body. But I never wanted Shawn to know about that... my work station is a huge mess... I have a ton of loose sketches of Shawn's next outfit for his upcoming tour and events... I know... I'm a mess.

Teresa Geiger

"Still insecure of your body?" I asked Katie knowing that she felt that way even though she never said anything about it to me. I could feel it. I'm a girl too... even though I'm a trans woman but I know how being insecure feels like. I've felt like that when I was a man...

Katie Dempsey

"Babe!! I'm going to the gym!!" I yelled to Shawn while he's in the kitchen making food... and he rushed out and told me that he would join me after he was done eating and begged me to wait for him and so I did because let's face it, he's super cute and adorable and loves me for me. He's my soon to be husband. My fangirl dreams came true. How did I get so lucky?! Everyday I get to wake up next to him and stuff... life is so good to me right now. I couldn't complain even if I wanted to... the least I could do is to hide my insecurities from Shawn and so that's what I did.

Shawn Mendes

As soon as I heard that she was gonna head to the gym, I panicked and ate as fast as I could so I don't keep her waiting because I have a feeling that she was gonna go to the gym where Regina usually goes to. And I wanted to make sure that she was okay because her due date is near and she could be in labor at any time and I'm nervous. Can't deny that!!

Katie Dempsey

I wanted to head over to the nearest gym available but Shawn took me to the furthest gym available instead... it was weird but I'm guessing that Shawn is taking me to the gym where he usually works out? I mean... he always does that. I'm not surprised... and every time I ask Shawn why he just smiled at me and I always got lost in his eyes...

Shawn Mendes

I obviously can't tell her why because knowing Katie, she would be triggered because every opportunity that Regina gets, she would do her best to ruin our relationship which was fucked up yet annoying at the same time... up to a certain point in our lives where I have to hire multiple bouncers and security team to deal with her... but then again, as long as it would keep Katie and I safe then I'm fine with anything I guess...

Katie Dempsey

As soon as we got to the gym, I sat down and mixed my protein shake before warming up... the usual routine I guess?? Shawn always lift so I would just run on the treadmill since Shawn won't let me do anything other than that... he's so funny sometimes... I mean... he's so caring and I love him. I know that he means well... so I decided to just to do just a bit of working out... after 20 minutes I got tired and took a break on the bench.

While I was walking over to the bench, my water suddenly broke and I was in so much pain that I started screaming and Shawn rushed over to me and drove me straight to the hospital. It was scary as fuck!!

Shawn Mendes

As soon as I found out her water broke, I panicked and rushed straight to the hospital I didn't think twice about getting arrested for speeding or anything I just rushed and when we got to the hospital, the paramedics acted immediately and pushed her straight into the operating room. I was pacing around the lobby waiting for the news of our daughters!! I haven't been this nervous before in my entire life!! I called Aaliyah and my parents and they are on their way here... I could stop pacing up and down and almost had a panic attack and anxiety...

****** The End ******

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