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Teresa Geiger

Shawn had already arrived in my apartment and I forgot that he has a spare key and he automatically rang himself in and rang the doorbell "Teresa!! I know you're in here!! Camila told me!!" And soon Katie glared at me and I felt really bad because now Katie has nowhere to go... so I told her to hide under my bed... it was the only way and after she did, I hid the pregnancy test before letting Shawn in. As soon as I let him in, he went around looking for Katie...

Katie Dempsey

Shawn refuses to leave Teresa's apartment... which now made it hard for me so I texted Teresa to get him to leave hoping that she would succeed because I needed to puke at the same time... "I'm not leaving until I see Katie!! I know that you're hiding her from me!" Shawn said while being really upset and disappointed... I felt really bad too but I don't even know if Shawn still loves me... I mean.. Regina and him kissed twice. I sighed...

Shawn Mendes

I could obviously tell that Teresa was hiding something and assumed that she was hiding Katie from me... Teresa!! Quit playing and tell me where Katie is!! I love her okay?!! I love her so so much!! The kiss never meant anything! I had to wash my mouth with soap twice after fucking Regina stole kisses from me!!

Katie Dempsey

Shawn really does love me... but I wasn't sure if our relationship would still last since we still go to the school where Regina goes to as well and who knows that she won't try and kiss Shawn again and stuff... I never wanted her to even get close to Shawn but it's up to Shawn and I don't like controlling. It's not me. I just want everything to get back to the way that it was... but with the baby now, everything is different.

The fucking hormones is making me can't control my emotions and I didn't want Shawn to have to deal with it too as well...

Teresa Geiger

I went into my room and shut the door before getting Katie out from under my bed and she rushed to the toilet and puked a lot... I held her hair back for her while puked... her belly was already showing a little and I don't think she wants Shawn to know since she's been avoiding him ever since the ski trip incident... I was stuck in between Shawn and Katie... what am I suppose to do?! If I tell Shawn where I was hiding Katie, Katie would killed me and if I didn't then Shawn would kill me... let's just hope that Camila doesn't show up because Camila has her way of making me talk... she can be really scary when she's mad.

Camila Cabello

I know that I needed to help Shawn and so I decided to pay Teresa a visit... after Shawn rang me in, I went straight to Teresa and demanded her to tell me where Katie was at and that I needed to talk to Katie alone. I pulled Teresa aside "Teresa, please tell me where Katie is at? It's important!" And after much persuasion, she finally decided to spill the beans but with a condition that I don't tell Shawn about it yet. It's better than nothing so I decided to make that promise to her... she looked at me and pointed to her room with her eyes and I nodded with a smile before going in while Teresa distracted Shawn.

Katie Dempsey

After I was done throwing up, I came out of the bathroom and got a shock when I saw Camila waiting for me... I gasped and freaked out because it also a huge fan of Camila!! The Camila Cabello?!! I gasped in excitement and she was nice enough to give me a hug and we instantly clicked! It was so unreal! I've always loved her as an artist and a person too!!

Camila Cabello

Oh, she's a fan... I sat her down before talking to her about Shawn... "why are you avoiding Shawn? I'm pretty sure you heard what Shawn had said earlier right? He really loves you." I told her and she started tearing up and told me that she didn't want to burden Shawn and that he has a bright future ahead of him and that I shouldn't hold him back... "is it true that you're pregnant?" And she immediately freaked out and looked away "don't hide it, it's all over the internet because there were paparazzi who had snapped pictures of you shopping..." I sighed and looked at her. "Does Shawn know?" She asked me and I nodded... "yes, I am pregnant. It's true..." and so I looked at her and convinced her to show herself and talk to Shawn because I really want them back together... "on second thought I decided to avoid him... it's better this way. His career would be at risk if he were to suddenly have a family of his own... I'll raise it as a single mom..." Katie told me and so I gave Teresa the signal to get Katie's attention...

Teresa Geiger

I knew that Katie would still avoid Shawn and that Camila had given me the signal and if I were to ignore it and help Katie then Camila would kill me... either ways... "Shawn, I'm sorry." I apologized before  sacrificing a wine glass by smashing it onto the floor in the kitchen and it apparently worked.

Katie Dempsey

I heard the sound of glass shattered onto the floor and thought that Shawn got hurt and rushed out only to find out that it's just Teresa being clumsy again... and Shawn lazing around on the couch... "oh." And as soon as Shawn heard me, he rushed towards me and gave me a hug with tears in his eyes, begging me to stay... and I promised him that I sighed and stayed silent for awhile... there we are in that awkward phase again...

Camila Cabello

"Shawn, can I talk to you for a second?" I whispered to Shawn before pulling him aside and I basically told me what Katie had said to me earlier about him and their relationship and that Shawn was gonna be a dad soon... he hugged me before going straight to Katie and he made her feel secure again and after that everything went back to normal... except for the fact that now Katie and Shawn does homeschool instead...

Shawn Mendes

I'm glad the problem is solved and that my nightmare is finally over, however now I feel like I have to be with Katie at all times even if it kills me!! I love Katie and I cherish her a lot!! Katie makes me really happy and my biggest fear right now is losing her. But oh well, as long as she's happy then I'm happy. I do hope that she's happy being with me...

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