Tragic Reality

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Katie Dempsey

After a week have passed, my dad had just passed away and I was all alone with bills to pay as my father passed away from a accident at work. He was one of the hardest working man I know and for him to leave me makes me hate myself even more because I couldn't even afford to pay his hospital and medical bills... let alone even afford to pay for his funeral.

And that I haven't gone back to school ever since my dad got admitted in the hospital, I was so occupied and distracted with all this that I've forgotten about Shawn and the fact that Shawn is my boyfriend which made things a lot worst because I've been going MIA for almost a month... but I kinda assumed that he thought that I didn't want to be his girlfriend and left me for another girl.

Shawn Mendes

I was extremely worried about Katie and wondered why I haven't heard from her in so long ever since I asked her to be mine at the cafe. Maybe she have her reasons but disappearing like that makes me worry even more and so I hired a private investigator to help me find her. I didn't have her phone number because she had changed her number and didn't bother to text or even call me and I could understand why because I'm pretty sure that the authorities in school were looking for her as if she's a wanted criminal just because of the dumb school policy where students can't skip school for more than a week without a valid reason... pretty stupid right? I know.

Katie Dempsey

After thinking about it for so long... I decided that I couldn't afford to go to school anymore and so I decided to drop out and withdraw from school.

But apparently I needed someone who is exactly 18 and above to help me sign the documents and sadly my birthday isn't until a week later so I had to think of a plan to get me out of school but I couldn't so I just remained MIA. I needed a break from everything and decided to go to the mall to walk around without caring about how I looked. I had my hair all messy and I was wearing a really old crop top with my favorite pair of ripped jeans.

Teresa Geiger

As usual, I was out at Sephora doing some shopping when I noticed a familiar face. It was Katie! I quickly dropped what I was going to buy and ran straight for her in my heels. "Katie!!" I yelled but for some reason she couldn't hear me so I ran up to her and stopped her from leaving. "Katie!! Shawn have been so worried about you! He have been looking for you everywhere!! Where have you been?! You can't just disappear like that!" I started going off on her without knowing what had happened and she just stayed silent and broke down in the middle of the mall and cried. I felt really bad and decided to call for Shawn.

Shawn Mendes

As soon as I arrived at the mall, I looked around and saw Teresa waving over at me so I bolted towards her and saw Katie on the floor crying and immediately took my jacket off to put it over her head to hide her from the public before I carried her in my arms and left with Teresa.

Katie Dempsey

Before I know it, I was in Shawn's bedroom and in his arms... I wasn't sure what my next step would be but I know that I had to close my website and raise the money needed for my dad's funeral. I had to grow up so fast, I was all alone... I know I couldn't tell Shawn because he would offer to pay for it. I know it was too much to ask and so I just kept quiet about it... I took a deep breath and looked at Shawn and told him "Shawn, I'm really sorry for going missing for the past two weeks. I know that I've been a bad girlfriend and I'm sorry..." he hugged me and gave me a kiss before telling me that he loves me and that all of that didn't matter as long as he knew that I was okay. He's the best boyfriend in the world.

Shawn Mendes

I wasn't even really mad at her, I was more of worried and concerned about her because she is the love of my life and also my first actual girlfriend. I won't know why she went missing for awhile but I won't ask or interrogate her if she didn't want to tell me. After that my phone rang and so I answered it, it was a call from the private investigator that I had hire and he told had told me one of the most saddest and disturbing news ever! I looked at Katie and the tears in my eyes started to appear. It was a painful moment for Katie and I could tell why she went missing. Sadly Katie must've gotten exhausted from crying that she had fallen asleep in my arms and so I carefully tucked her in my bed without waking her up before gently closing the door behind me and went to the living room.

Teresa Geiger

"So how's your girlfriend?" I looked at Shawn while asking him and my heart instantly broke when he had told me what he had heard from the private investigator. "Her dad just passed away a week ago and her mom passed away when she was younger. She doesn't have any family, she's alone." Shawn replied and both of us started crying really badly. I feel like a terrible person for going off on her without knowing what had happened.

Katie Dempsey

I woke up a couple of hours later in Shawn's bed, it was the comfiest bed that I've ever slept in my entire life! I rolled around and jumped a little without noticing that he was watching me at the door. I love his bed, it smelled like his cologne and I'm obsessed with the scent. "Enjoying my bed?" He asked while giggling and I quickly got up and blushed so hard that he noticed and started laughing even more. "Shut up!!" I threw a pillow at him and he catches it before throwing it back at me "come on! Is that all you got?!" He teased and I frowned "not funny!" And he walked over to me and started kissing my neck a little.

Shawn Mendes

"How was your sleep babe?" I asked while cuddling her and she told me that it was one of the comfiest bed that she's ever slept in and I started laughing and told her that she could sleep on the bed for as long as she wants and she smiled a little before she gave me a kiss and we started to making out.

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