Harsh Reality

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Shawn Mendes

I've felt inspiration and new ideas coming in and so I went straight into the studio and recorded what I had written on my journal that was once given by a fan. I started singing my lungs out while just picturing her in my mind and basically thought about her and that idea worked because I was so into singing that I never notice that Teresa and the rest of the producers was already in the studio watching me from the outside with the other producers.

Teresa Geiger

"Oh my god! That was amazing!!" I exclaimed and gave Shawn a hug and he started blushing because he thought that he was all alone. Shawn have the habit of recording with his eyes closed for some reasons. I find that kind of adorable because as a artist and a musician, it is always important to pour your true emotions out. I'm glad that he did.

Shawn Mendes

I blushed so hard because I never wanted anyone to hear what I was recording because it was something personal to me but it was all too late and so I acted cool and avoided eye contact with Teresa because she knows me better than anyone else besides my parents and my sister, Aaliyah.

But apparently avoiding the topic with her is absolutely impossible and so I decided to tell her all about Katie.

Katie Dempsey

I woke up and assumed that it was all a dream because there is no way that a perfect man like Shawn would ever fall for a girl like me and even if he did, it would be out of pity.

I remembered that my dad had promised me a week ago that he would take me on a fishing trip and so I hurried to the storeroom and got all my fishing gears ready and waited patiently for him to come home from work so that we could go and catch dinner together as a family like we also do every Sunday as a family tradition of mine. Suddenly all of that changes when I received a call from the hospital saying that my dad got admitted in and that he was in critical condition, I dropped everything and rushed over to the hospital.

Teresa Geiger

"Shawn, was it why you got me to order something from her website?" I asked while bursting out in laughter and he playfully punched me in the arm and nodded while blushing. I've honestly haven't seen this side of Shawn before in my entire life and suddenly I got so interested in his love life and started teasing him a little. I asked "have you made her your girlfriend yet?" And he nodded in excitement and I got so happy for him. Seeing Shawn happy, makes me the happiest because he's my best friend and he was there for me when no one else was. Don't get me wrong, I only like men but Shawn isn't my type and even if he was... I would never date him because I know that he's straight.

Shawn Mendes

I felt bad because I had just fallen in love and forgot that Teresa had just fallen out of one and I knew how sensitive she was so I apologized and comforted her like I always do, she started crying and getting all emotional and I had to think of a way to make her feel better... "come on... Emily a bitch and she doesn't fucking deserve you!" - I said, instantly regretting saying that to her because now she's crying even more.

Teresa Geiger

"You're a mean and horrible person!" You know how much I loved Emily! "Why would you say something like that?!" I yelled before I stuffed my face into one of the cushions while crying. I felt really pathetic, I was actually ready to marry her!! I can't believe she would actually cheat on me with another guy. I guess that I wasn't good enough for her after all... "Teresa!!   Get over her! she's not worth investing your love and time on! You're way too good for her and she doesn't deserve you!".  Shawn had finally admitted and spoken the truth but I didn't want to hear the truth because Emily meant something to me and she was there for me when I transitioned into a transgender female.

Shawn Mendes

"Come on, Teresa... you still have me and your fans and of course not forgetting your friends and family. You need to overcome this and I know that you can" I told her as I rubbed her back and comforted her because that's what good friends do. And she was so precious to have her heart broken. After spending an hour crying, she had finally settled down and stopped crying, that was a relieve. I've never seen this side of her before. I looked at her and asked "so are you all good now?" And she shook her head, I couldn't think of anything else to do that would cheer her up and so I just sat on the couch and sighed.

Teresa Geiger

"I feel more relax and calm while painting my own nails. It's what I do whenever I'm upset or depressed or been through a breakup." As soon as I told Shawn that, he immediately backed away because he knew what was gonna happen next. "Shawny come here!! I wanna do your nails!" I told him and he shook his head and ran, after awhile he finally got tired and gave up before he caved in and let me do his nails. He was such a gentleman and any girl who dates him would definitely be the luckiest.  I painted his nails bright metallic pink because that was the only color that I had left

Shawn Mendes

I looked at my nails and sighed because for some reasons I really hated that particular bright shade of pink but I knew that it was helping Teresa cheer up a little and so I ignored the fact that my nails were being painted pink since pink was Teresa's favorite color of all time. "Are you feeling better now?" I asked while looking at her and she nodded her head a little. "Thanks good news."

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