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I only own the characters I have created for the purpose of this story, everything else is owned by Marvel

Alexa's POV

Mum, Dad and Coulson are SOs this year. Why didn't they tell me?

The other trainees spot my parents and turn to stare at me.

I choose to ignore it, instead I turn to Liam who taps me on the shoulder gently.

"Did you know?" I hear him ask lowly.

"No" I reply with a shake of my head, just as surprised as he was.

He and I both turn back and watch as they approach, but when I groan quietly at the continuing stares, I see him grin out of the corner of my eye.

We're instructed to scatter around the room and so Liam and I turn away from the doors, choosing to walk over to the shooting range on the other side of the gym.

"Did you really not know that your parents were going to be SOs?" he asks as we begin to separate ourselves from the listening crowd.

"I really didn't!" I reply earnestly, "They didn't tell me anything!"

He laughs at my response and a throat clears behind us. Instantly I know who it is.

We spin around and my parents are standing there grinning. Because of course they are.

"Agents" my dad greets formally.

"Agent Barton, Agent Romanoff" Liam greets formally as I stifle a laugh.

I resort to a nod.

"What? No greeting for your parents?" I hear mum joke quietly. It shocks me, as she usually has a tough exterior around people she doesn't know, but I take it as a signal that the formalities are over.

"NO" I respond jokingly. "Why didn't you guys tell me you were becoming SOs this year?"

"We weren't allowed to" Mum explains quickly and I nod. That does sound like something SHIELD would come up with.

"So, there's a rule about being the SO of your own daughter?" I ask.

My dad grins.

"No, there isn't. Should we test it?"

"Absolutely not," I reply. "People will only think I'm being favoured and treat me weirder".

"Especially Veronica" I hear Liam chime in and I immediately regret his words. Mum picking up on it of course.

"Who is Veronica and what has she been up to?"

I roll my eyes.

"She's just a bitch who has a problem with me. Nothing I can't handle".

I turn to Liam after a sudden realisation.

"How did you know she had a problem with me? I don't think I told you?"

He shrugs.

"I'll tell you later"

"You both did well in sparring today" My dad comments, bringing our attention back to the conversation.

"Which is why, Agent Lynch I have chosen you to become my trainee".

I glance over at him. He's gobsmacked.

"Are you sure sir?"

I laugh at the formality.

My dad shoots me a look before continuing.

"Definitely, you did well and have promise to become a fine agent."

Mum and I quickly decide to leave them to it.

"Have fun and be nice" I remind them as we walk away, the reminder mainly aimed at dad.

"Ты отлично выступил во время спарринга" (you did really well in sparring today)

I smile at the change in language and the compliment.

"Благодарность" (thanks)

"Так как другие дети на спарринге?" (So, how are the other kids at sparring?)

"Они в порядке. Я еще не видел сильных сторон других людей, так как это наша первая тренировка." (They're OK. I haven't really seen other people's strengths yet as it's our first training session)

"Справедливо. Остальные уже скучают по тебе" (Fair enough. The others miss you already)

I roll my eyes at that. I love them all but they can be really clingy sometimes. Though I think she's exaggerating just a little bit.

"Не прошло и дня!" (It hasn't even been one day!)

She chuckles at that one.

"Я позволю тебе спасти Лиама от твоего отца. Мне нужно выбрать стажера" (I'll let you go rescue Liam from your dad. I need to choose a trainee).

"Сохраняйте терпение" (keep your patience) I call as I walk over to where my dad and Liam are having a very animated conversation. 


Have a lovely day humans!

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