Who's Peter?

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Changed Chapter. Yes indeed. 

Anyways, hope you enjoy and i'll see ya'll on the other side. 

Alexa's POV

Two years later

My pace is fast as I stride through the hallways, tracking a familiar path to Nick's office.

I run the message through my brain for the fourth time.

'Agent Lynch and Agent Romanoff-Barton to meet with the Director, 11am Monday.'

Not much to go off of when searching for a 'why?'

My internal questioning is interrupted by a sudden shout from behind me.

"Alexa!" I look over my shoulder to find Henry racing up behind me.

Out of politeness I stop.

"Hi Henry"

"What have you been up to lately?"

Ever since Liam and I were moved up into an accelerated course for specialists, I haven't been spending time with the rest of the original group of trainees.

I wasn't really close with any of them to be honest.

"Not much" I reply with a shrug, "Training almost every day, going out on smaller assignments".

His eyes shine and he nods along as I speak.

"What's it like being a level seven?"

"Not much different really. Just harder training."

I remember my meeting and decide to close the conversation.

"I'd love to chat, Henry but I really do have to run. The director wants to meet with Liam and I in a few minutes."

At the mention of Liam's name his face darkens, confusing me. They've always been good friends. Why the hostility?

"Oh, of course you're going to see your buddy Liam".

The unexpected venom in his tone has me arching and eyebrow.


He shakes his head for a second.

"Doesn't matter. Do you want to go catch a movie later?"

Not again. They guys in our old group have been asking me questions along the lines of this for the past couple weeks now. And it's getting quite annoying.

"No thanks Henry," I say as politely as possible. "I'm catching up with my family next week. Thanks for the invite though".

After an awkward goodbye I finally get to Fury's office and knock on the door.

After receiving permission to enter, I open the door and am immediately slightly alarmed.

Mum, dad, Coulson and Maria are already there, not to mention a confused looking Liam.

"Sorry I'm late" I offer to the silent room.

I hear Fury mutter something that sounds awfully like 'just like your father' but for the sake of my sanity I choose to ignore it.

After a clear of his throat Fury gets to the point.

"Agent Lynch and Agent Romanoff-Barton have been selected out of the level 7 trainee specialists to form a STRIKE Team. Specifically, STRIKE Team Alpha."

A STRIKE Team?! Those are almost legendary! After I found out mum and dad were in one, that's what I'd wanted to achieve. I can't believe this is happening!

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