Midnight training

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A tad but more spice in this one. Totally not super proud of it ofc not, that would be dumb.... ANYWAYS please vote, it would mean the world to meee.

Liam's POV

I pace silently through the shadows at exactly midnight. Slight anxiety curling in my gut at the prospect of getting caught. We might have some serious explaining to do.

I freeze in a doorway as an agent crosses the hallway adjacent to the one I'm standing in. Thankfully, they're engrossed in glowing blue numbers crossing the screen they're holding. I remain unnoticed.

After calming my racing heart, I continue tracking towards the gym. I see no one.

The gym doors are slightly ajar, alerting me to Alexa's presence inside. However, a quick scan of the room finds me alone.

A quiet clear of a throat sends me whirling around, my heart rate spiked. I'm caught.

But there's no one here.

The noise comes again and I locate the source of the noise. The rafters.

I scan the beams running across the open ceiling until I find what I'm looking for, a dark shadow crouched on a beam in the middle of the room.

After allowing a moment for my eyes to adjust to the shadowy darkness, I see Alexa, sitting backwards on a beam, twisted around to face me.

I shake my head with a smile.

What on earth is that girl up to?

I watch carefully as she hooks her knees into the beam and swings backwards until she's hanging upside down, her long red hair fanning below her in a fiery curtain.

Even from here, I can see the delighted grin on her face. She's definitely an adrenaline junky.

A moment of bated breath passes before she unhooks her knees, falling swiftly to the floor below.

She twists, turning twice in the air before landing in a crouch like some sort of action hero.

And it looked like so much fun.

I amble across the room to where she's standing, brushing invisible dust from her legs.

"That was awesome." I state in a lowered voice.

She grins.

"It was! I can teach you later if you'd like. And you don't need to lower your voice, this room and the one adjacent are completely sound proof, we won't wake anyone up".

A quick glance at the digital clock projected on the wall above the doors reads 12:38pm. She's right. People probably are asleep.

I know the boys in my door definitely were.

Her reply grabs my attention. There's another room?

A glance behind me finds a smaller set of doors.

"What's in the adjacent room?"

"I can show you if you'd like?"

The doors open to possibly the coolest place I've ever been.

Twenty different shooting ranges, some for guns, other for more specialised weapons like arrows, spears or knives.

Racks upon racks of guns, knives, machetes, spears, arrows and probably more that I can't see right now.

This. This is awesome.

I walk forward into the room as Alexa begins to explain.

"SHIELD has a full-sized armoury, used by almost all of the agents. The guns are currently unloaded, but in the back wall, opposite the ranges, you'll find any type of bullet or magazine you'll need. There are earmuffs at each range to save your hearing. For everyone's sake, please don't deafen yourself."

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