Part 3: wanderer rescue operation

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Brandon goes into his bedroom and finds his old uniform he wore when he was Bone Breaker Brandon and his old golden bat he got from his brother, it is made out a gold-like substance that is slightly weaker than gold but will still do the job, these mobsters messed with him and now he will go and fight back. 

Brandon asks everyone willing to grab a gun, grenades, body armour and follows him to go and save there friends, Brandon tells everyone to use stealth while he gets all of their attention by walking out in the middle of the street in their turf. Brandon uses the bat to block bullets as they pass by him and then the gangsters try using melee attacks instead of long-ranged attacks.

Brandon begins beating up everyone making sure to break a bone with every hit, the others reach Diane and Jack but fail to get them as the gang leader intervenes and captures them, Brandon realizes his mistake and tries to figure out how to fix it. 

"Bone Breaker... I want to make a deal if you can beat me in a fight then I will let you all go... but if you lose then you will have to do everything I say and be my slave to make people obey me." 

Brandon accepts the deal and the battle begins the gang leader tries to crush Brandon but the bat protects him and his costume is lined with a substance that will partially harden and protect the wearer, the battle between these two seems as though it will not end although Brandon has not landed a hit with the bat yet so there is still a chance they will succeed. 

Brandon stops trying to hit the gangster and prepares himself to get hit but at the last moment swings the bat and hits the gangster in the head sending him flying into a wall, Brandon walks over to him and he is out cold and that makes Brandon the winner. 

The other gangsters let everyone go and they all leave back to the base, Brandon and Diane talk as Brandon is sorry she had to get roped into that because of him but she stopped him before he could finish and said they are a team. 

Brandon tells everyone that the sanctuary will work once they have enough soldiers to fight against people like these gangsters. 

"Everyone the sanctuary project has been updated to speak instead of just making it to give people a home we can use it to help those who can't help themselves, anyone who tries to bring pain to another for no reason will be stopped by us and so a section of the sanctuary will only focus on going out and saving people from infected and out of control survivors who want to cause chaos or want to rule over everyone else, that is what we are at this moment in time that will be our job and more people will join and help fight against the apocalypse, we will be the WANDERERS!" 

Everyone claps for Brandon instantly making him the leader of the wanderers, they all grab materials and work together to build the command centre for the wanderers near the edge of sanctuary, they will count as police stopping anyone trying to hurt another person inside of sanctuary and will go on missions to rescue people who are in trouble. 

Brandon and Diane make a radio transmitter and attach it to radio systems inside of the wanderer's command centre, Brandon prepares to tell the people who need and don't help that they are there. 

"This is a radio transmission to anyone out there looking for someplace to call shelter, someplace to call a home and to feel safe from the infected or other survivors trying to cause chaos to be above others and look down on them, well then the wanderers are here we will help out any way we can just use your radio to tell us where you are then a team of fighters will come and rescue you and bring you to safety, you do not have to stay after being rescued but if you feel someone is there or infected are getting closer then we will come and help. The wanderers are here to bring you to a sanctuary where you socialize and meet new people eat good food and drink clean water... that is all I have to say please do not be afraid to ask for help."

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