Part 5: a war between civil groups

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One week later, Brandon rejoins the wanderer's as a means to tell the annihilators they are not afraid and in no time the war begins and Brandon gets people working harder to make working weapons for anyone to use, Diane sighs running over to Brandon who is smashing things in a gym that was made while they were gone.

Diane runs in and catches Brandon's fist before he breaks a mirror and the two head back to their house, Brandon realizes he put a lot of people in danger trying to act brave and stand up to the people who killed his brother and want them all gone, he then gets a feeling something bad is about to happen and runs outside. 


A block away multiple cars begin to arrive in front of Sanctuary and he recognises their symbol and tells everyone to prepare for a battle since the first essence of war is happening, Brandon grabs an assault rifle, shotgun, pistol and a combat knife and tells everyone to not try and engage until after he walks out and makes sure they are who they think they are. 

Brandon leaves Sanctuary and stands in front of the men and asks who they are and is then told that the annihilators have come to declare war with Sanctuary and they are the ones who are going to finish the war and finish off the wanderer's, Brandon smiles finally having a good purpose to call the others who begin firing at the men with their assault rifles. 

Brandon has seen a war first hand and knows how to survive one and who will be the best to take out of the fight, Brandon notices an enemy hiding behind a car and catches sight of something that makes him want to run in and save the man and enter Sanctuary. The man thanks Brandon but before he is allowed to be known as a potential ally he must take off all his body armour and give Brandon his weapons. 

The man takes off his helmet and reveals that he is Kieran, Brandon is shocked and tells everyone to stand down bringing Kieran into the cafeteria so they can talk in private. 

"Kieran... they asked you to join since you knew a lot about me... why did you agree?" 

Kieran tells Brandon that he wanted to get into the annihilators and learn things to give the wanderer's an advantage and the only way is to take someone close to Brandon with him and prove that he can be trusted to finish off Brandon himself. Brandon understands and calls for Scott, Jack and Diane to join them. 

The others were filled in on what Kieran had done and asks if one of them would act as though they were taken hostage by Kieran so he can gain access to hidden things inside of the annihilators. "Now before we continue with this after you are taken we will not be able to get you back until the annihilators are taken down since they will take you away from Kieran to ensure he isn't planning something."

"I will do it." 

Scott says telling everyone he knows how to handle torture more than any of them other than Brandon so if they plan on torturing them then he will not surrender to them easily and may give them more time by lying. Brandon remembers that Scott knows how to lie while being tested with a lie detector and get away with it and that could give them chances to split up there forces and give them a better chance at survival. 

To make it believable Kieran is told to beat up Scott to make it seem as though he was taken by force, Brandon was also beat up and left in the middle of Sanctuary, Kieran and Scott leave and Brandon hopes the plan works perfectly and Kieran gets access to hidden files inside of their enemies organisation. 

1 week later. 

Kieran sends a hidden message to Brandon that the plan works and he has something to give him to help them take out a few of his men, Brandon takes Diane and Jack and they scope out the area and prepare to begin their plan to get the thing off Kieran, once in position Brandon attacks Kieran kicking him off the bike he was on making it predictable that he is getting attacked before knocking out the other two Brandon grabs Kieran and keeps comms on and Jack hears that a sniper is watching them from on top of a building until Jack snipes the sniper and gives them time to speak and talk about Scott and everything Kieran has seen now. 

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