Part 6: Protecting the next generation

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Brandon leaves the command centre and drops on to the floor and begins crying he wanted his brother back to him for so many years but now that he finds out he is still alive he has been corrupted and will kill anyone and everyone in Sanctuary other than Scott, himself, Diane and his newborn child. Diane notices Brandon and asks her mother to look after the baby and go to him, he tells her about Jackson and she hugs him hoping to help him get past everything that has happened. 

Brandon then hears someone and looks up. 

His daughter is staring at him while in Diane's mothers' arms, Brandon looks at the baby and listens as she tries to say daddy and then he remembers something that he and his brother was talking about. 

In the past, Brandon and Jackson are sitting on a tree stump talking about when they have kids, Brandon says he does not know if he will have one but Jackson says he will and then tells his younger brother that if he had a daughter then if the mother agreed he would call them... Mellisa and then he looks over to Brandon and notices he likes the name and with a scared look on his face realizes he may not have a child and smiles telling Brandon that he should name his daughter Melissa and Brandon says no but he sees the serious look on his brother's face and agrees, saying that Mellisa is a wonderful name. 

Back in the present. 

Brandon smiles and stands up wiping away his tears and picks up his daughter, he swings her around and realizes even with everything that has happened to his brother he must continue to live his life happy so his daughter can hopefully see her uncle, back with them where he should be, Brandon walks over to Diane and they begin walking back to their home. 


Brandon speaks and Diane turns to him and asks what he meant and he says its a name he promised his brother he would call his daughter and he says Mellisa again and the baby girl laughs and Diane says it is perfect and they tell everyone that their daughter is now called Mellisa. Everyone lets them go back to their house and they put Mellisa in bed but then the baby wakes up crying, Diane wakes up to find Brandon making a bottle of baby milk for Mellisa while putting on children movies for her to watch and she smiles and walks up to him and helps with the milk putting it in the bottle and giving it to the baby. 

She goes back to the kitchen and notices that Brandon has made Mellisa food and changed her diaper and realizes he will always protect her no matter what, she goes back to bed and Brandon sits with Mellisa watching a movie. 

The next morning Diane wakes up to see Brandon and Mellisa sleeping on the couch with Brandon holding on to Mellisa as if she was a prized possession and wakes up Brandon quietly and they put the baby into her bed and Brandon races down to the command centre and while walking down the stairs sees someone walking towards Sanctuary and his eyes go wide. 

He gets Jack and they run to the entrance and jump over the wall to see someone familiar and hope they are there to talk and not fight, "Hey Brandy... I have come to talk about negotiation on how the annihilators and wanderers can coexist ... and so I can meet my niece." 

Brandon is focussing on the floor and then looks up crying and runs to his brother hugging him and Jackson smiles and embraces his brother, he then notices Jack and realizes who it is and reaches his arm out to him and says hi and then the three friends are standing there finally back together again. Brandon allows his brother in and shows him around and Jackson realizes how much Brandon had grown since he was a kid and is impressed and then Brandon takes Jackson to meet Diane and Mellisa. 

They enter the house and Brandon introduces Diane to Jackson and then he brings out Mellisa and Brandon tells him her name and Jackson is shocked he kept the promise and can't help but have tears begin running down his face as he picks up Mellisa, Brandon and Jackson then enter the command centre to talk in private about negotiations. 

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