Part 4: Worldwide wanderer's

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"We never saw it coming. The whole world never saw it coming. Until it was too late." Brandon, 20 years of age, is sitting on a corroded chair, like a rotting body in a grave. 2 kids, around the ages of 10, are sitting in front of him in tattered clothing, "what happened, mister Brandon?" He smiles and sits up in his chair "now, Jessie, Harry you sure you want to know that?" Jessie and Harry both shout yes and Brandon prepares to tell the children exactly what happened in the past. 

He tells them that he and his friends were living a happy life, he went to college got his degree and then returned home, but shortly afterwards is when things went bad, the plague struck and the world went into chaos, and all he could think about was protecting his friends and family. He went to each of his friend's houses and got them, taking them somewhere safe to come up with a plan on where to go and what to do. 

"Was that when you came up with Sanctuary?" asks Jessie and Brandon says no telling her that he came up with Sanctuary when they found that area, continuing Brandon begins telling them how they went to a farmhouse and when there meant some new friends and decided to stay, his parents and the parents of his friends joined them but his parents were taken by crawlers and a group of survivors who wanted to steal there stuff. 

They were forced to leave the farmhouse and moved to the city and found a bunker and stayed there until he found the area was Sanctuary was built and began thinking of what they could do for themselves and others. "Then you began to commence the plan to build Sanctuary!" Harry screams and with a chuckle, Brandon agrees and then tells them that they moved there stuff to the area and built the command centre and begun to get people and a week later they are here talking about what has happened in the last few days. 

Jessie and Harry thank Brandon before running to play with the other kids, Brandon heads to the command centre and sees that the old docks are being surrounded by infected and grabs team 1 and 2 to go and deal with it seeing how many there are. 

"So why do you want to deal with the infected here then, this place is not close to Sanctuary," asks Jack and then realizes that Brandon is planning on using boats to go oversea and help people in other countries and thinks it is a good idea but will need another place for people to stay in that country and he agrees asking if team 1 will join him in going to create a second survivor refuge. 

They all agree as they begin to get into the killing, the 8 of them joke around about what it is they are planning and realizes how much any of them have come from before and knows they will make a difference in the world eventually. 

They finish of the infected in a couple of hours and begin searching around the dock finding one or two boats Brandon can work on and rebuild back at Sanctuary hooking it on to the back of the SUV. 

Brandon works most of the night and rebuilds the boat adding a motor to it so they can be quicker getting to the other countries, Brandon prepares to leaves but realizes they will be 1 team down. 

"Hey, can we become wanderer's and help out with saving people and killing infected?" Brandon turns around to see 8 men standing there obviously physically prepared from their muscles but still asks if they can fire a gun and decides to teach them before leaving giving them the basics of firing and some tips for keeping the gun straight and hitting their target perfectly and then allows them to become wanderer's creating team 4 and 5. 

Team 1 jump into their SUV with Josh who is driving them there, then returns so they do not lose the vehicle. Josh says bye to the four and passes them the supplies they need and leaves to head back to Sanctuary. 

Brandon powers up the boat and the 4 begin to go to the first country they will help, hoping they can find an area not being used by hostile survivors, they reach land and park the boat in a cave hoping no one will find it moving through the nearby city, they are then stuck in the home of a group of survivors who do not want to sit and chat with the 4. 

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