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Tiffany's POV

"Tiffany-Annie get here now!" Shouted miss Elly

Miss Elly took me in when my perants died she knows how im diffrent but she doesnt like me.

"Im here Miss Elly." I said as I walked through the doors.

"Well people are coming to adopt to day. Would you like thd chance of beaning adopted?" Normaly I would say no but I said yes as I know its zalfie coming to adopt.







I ran as fast as a lion to my shared room to tell one of my roommates. I have 5 friends in one room, I know thats alot.

I was telling jade b about zoe coming. Jade has blonde haor blue eyes. When I told jade she bounced of the wall. I forgot to tell you are rooms name is YouTube. Its quicker for the adoption people to know what you like. The rooms are called: YouTube, Music, School, Football, Make-up and hair. YouTube is the smallest room the overs has about 20 or more people in them.

My room has jade b , jade p, hazel , jasmine,  Sarah and me.

At that moment the girls came in.

"Hey girls who we watching first?" I asked brushong my hair in to bunches.

"I says ihascupquake." Sang Bonnie ( jade p) while putting her pink hair behind her ear.

" yeh lets watch her new walking dead clem diy!!" Haz ( hazel) almost screamed as she put a beanie on her blue hair.

"Can I have next pick?" Asked jaz (jasmine) as she spun round whiping me in the face with her red hair.

" woah jaz calm down." Giggled sarah.

"Tiffie ( Tiffany-Annie) can you do a Arianna grande style?" She asked me.

" yeh how about the one with little buns at the front and the rest down? " I asked

" AMAZBALLS!!!" Sarah screamed. So j (jade b) put on ihascupquake as I brushed sarahs purple hair into the style

Your wondering why us 12 year olds have multcoulered hair. Well I was born with my hair the coulers itmis but I was builed for it so the rest of the group apart from j dyed there hair. Now im no longer builed.

" they adopters will be here soon everyone get ready" shouted the speakers.

Great anouther day of not geting adopted. YAY!!!!!












Iv now finished Sarahs hair. Now im redying haz's hair quickly. After that I styled it into perfect beach waves under a beanie.

Next is jaz. Her hair was redyed yesterday so I just brushed it into a fishtale plate. J just wanted her haor brushed so thats all I did. Now its Bonnie's turn. She wanted wavy hair like yammy xox. Half way through styling bonnie's hair the adopter came in. J started to use her natual charm while the rest of us just got on with things.

"Hey j is my turn next!" Jaz shouted at j

"Well who cares im outting a zalfie vid on." She said wich is the wrong thing to say to jaz she launched her self at j.

" stop it NOW!!" Screamed the lady who was adopting. We all turned to face her amd saw she was the one and only
























My odd lifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz