whats happening

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"Calm down tiffie." Called Sarah

"Your gonna get hurt again." Shouted jaz

"Please dont hurt your self again we need you." Cried Bonnie.

" Please please calm down dont get hurt we need you." Cried haz

" what the hell is going on here?" Asked miss elly when she walked in. Then she joinded the girls with a worried look.

"What happend?" She asked sarah.

" well we were watching cupquake and we agreed jaz could have next pick, then zoe walked in amd j changed the vid to a zalfie vid and said to jaz she wanted to watch a zalfie vid.then jaz launched her self at j then zoe called jaz a monster, with made jaz think of the time ner dad abused her and called her a monster. Then tiffie got angry I couldnt get her to the window in time.then she started to fly.we carnt get her to calm down." Sarah cried.

" j zoe wait down stairs," miss elly told us "jaz what normaly calms her down?" She asked jaz.

As I walk out the room I hured haz replie.

" nothing calms her down but you can make her sad using a song by bars lf mellody. The one about bullying. It reminds her of when she waz 8." Whispered haz.

Oh no what have I done. I bet were no longer friends.  Who cares  right? Im living with zalfie. The one and only zalfie. But that song reminds tiffie when her and our old roommate was bullied. Shoot what have I done. What am I going to do?t

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